This yellow pages database is a great one to help people from all over the world developing your businiess with Canada. It has 1,488,581 company records with company, website, description, score, address...
This is a professional wedding services database with 125,803 records from 2,166 regions of 58 states in America. Each record consists of title, city, description, votes, score, address, region, postalcode, telephone, latitude, longitude, review count, typical...
In the high schools database, there are 15,387 records with title, region, description, grades, total enrollment, student teacher ratio, address, college readiness index, ap tested, ap passed, mathematics proficiency, english proficiency, etc....
This is a most comprehensive America colleges database of evaluation and ranking information over 51 states. It contains 1,730 colleges with city, overview, description, school type, year founded, religious affiliation, academic calendar, setting, year...
In the videographers database, there are 5,274 records classified into 22 categories and from 19 regions of the United States. Each videographer is comprised of title, address, phone, description, lat, lon, website and etc. The whole...
This photographers database is full of 5,267 records from 19 regions of the United States. Each photographer is comprised of title, address, phone number, description, latitude, longitude and website. There are 26 categories of these photographers...
This is a world hotels database including 185,816 public houses of 43,017 popular cities from 10 regions (Africa, Asia, Australia & South Pacific, Canada, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Middle East & United States). Each hotel...
This is a database of top golf courses having 2,057 records from 9 regions (Africa, Asia, Britain & Ireland, Caribbean, Central & South America, Continental Europe, Middle East, North America & Oceania) aroung the...
This auto part shops database contains 4,404 records with title, telephone, address, location, region post code, latitude and longitude from 2,923 regions of 48 states in the United States. There are 4,402 time records of these auto parts...
The stores database has 413 shops from 339 cities of 5 states in America. Each shop consists of latitude, longitude, address, address extend, country, postal code, phone number, store start, store end, pharmacy phone number, pharmacy...
This rehabs centers database lists 10,906 rehabilitation over 25,892 cities of 50 states in the United States. In table rehabs base, there are address, code, telephone number, website, review overall, guide, etc in each record. In...
This is a agents and property database with 8,102 agents and 8,102 property over 2,585 cities from 413 counties of 227 regions in 8 states of the America. Each agent is comprised of name, office phone number, mobile phone number, voice mail,...
This is a comprehensive electricians database having 5,094 records with title, telephone, address, zip code, score, votes, description, locality, business overview, website and since in each of the United States. From the...
This is a high-volume hospitals & doctors database of 2,112 hospitals having 23,975 doctors over 1,612 popular cities in the United States. In table hospital, there are title, zip code, telephone number, address, description, latitude and...
This golf courses database contains 16,862 records in 8,341 cities of the United States. Each record is comprised of course, city, description, state, address, zip, county, email, website, phone, fax, classification, year built, annual...
This is a golf courses database with 861 records from 585 regions. Each record has information, description, awards, establish, location, classification, phone number, fax number, email address, website, etc. All these golf courses are...