In the alcoholism information & treatment centers database, there are 25,786 records from the America. Each alcoholism information & treatment center record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip...
This rehabs centers database lists 10,906 rehabilitation over 25,892 cities of 50 states in the United States. In table rehabs base, there are address, code, telephone number, website, review overall, guide, etc in each record. In...
This senior housing database contians 3,496 records with title, latitude, longitude, address locality, address region, postal code, housing provided, telephone, description and notice in each. All these senior homes comes from 152 cities of 48 states...
In the retirement housing database, there are 21,305 records over 30,620 cities of 616 states in 39 countries around the world. Each retirement home consists of title, address, phone, phone extension, fax number, locality, state, post code and...
This is a retirement housing database having 19,831 records from 403 locations in England. Each record is comprised of title, address, description, latitude and longitude. The whole England retirement homes data set totally has 3 tables....
In this nursing homes database, there are 2,624 records with title, street address, address locality, address region, postal code, phone number and description in each of the United States. All these nursing...
This is a list of rehab centers with 15,415 records by 4 categories in the United States. These categories are drug rehab centers, alcohol treatment centers, residential treatment centers and recovery homes. Each record...
In the addiction recovery centers database, there are 4,375 records from 50 states in America. Each record consists of title, address, evaluation, phone number, name, street address, region, locality, postal code, latitude, longitude, rating...
In the drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers data, there are 38 records from 18 countries (United States, Mexico, Colombia, Denmark, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Turkey, Nepal, Taiwan...
This assisted living database comes with 10,241 records over 5,144 cities of 51 states in America. Each record consists of title, address, phone number, phone extension, fax number, locality, state, postal code and country. It also...
In the assisted living database, there are a total of 11,967 assisted living residences throughout 4,205 popular cities of 56 states in America. Each assisted living residence is comprised of title, description, telephone number, latitude, longitude,...