In the furniture database, there are 370 records with regular price, special price, save, price, description, features, phone and hour in each. All these furniture has 8 main categories and further into 23 secondary categories. It...
With 7,621 records from the America, this is an automobile air conditioning equipments database. Each automobile air conditioning equipment record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code,...
This is a product database having 5,012 records with old price, our price and style in each by 4 categories. These categories are wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, prom dresses and shoes. There are 56 colors and 50 sizes...
In the productions database, there are 201,253 records of tools, garage, power, compressors, automotive and equipment and 246,389 parts by 1,492 makes by 15 categories. Each production is comprised of description, feature, specification, duration, warranty, price, low price...
This is a production database of outdoor recreation, equipment, bike, hardware and clothing with 58,250 records by 849 makes. Each record is comprised of description, feature, specification, duration, warranty, low price, high price and...
This is a cleaning tools & equipments database with 144 lawn mowers, snow blowers, tillersrecords records by 4 categories (lawn care, gardening, clean up & snow). Each record is comprised of title, review star,...
This is a production database of home garden equipments & cleaning tools with 159 records by 14 categories. Each equipment record is comprised of title and category. From the whole garden equipments and cleaning...
This is a products database of 72,919 records with title, category, star rating, price, original price, discount and salemode in each. All these products are classified into 22 categories. These categories are women's fashion, men's fashion,...