In the videographers database, there are 5,274 records classified into 22 categories and from 19 regions of the United States. Each videographer is comprised of title, address, phone, description, lat, lon, website and etc. The whole...
This photographers database is full of 5,267 records from 19 regions of the United States. Each photographer is comprised of title, address, phone number, description, latitude, longitude and website. There are 26 categories of these photographers...
In the simple US plumbers database, it has a total of 1,389 plumbers that is comprised of title, phone, latitude, longitude, address, city, state, postal code, etc. in each. The whole United...
In the locksmiths database, there are 1,084 records with title, street address, city, zip, phone number, latitude, longitude, etc in each of the United Kingdom. The whole UK locksmiths data set has 1 table....
This is a simple one table locksmiths database with 609 records from the United States and Canada. Each locksmith has title, address, description, street address, main phone number, alternative phone number, service,...
This lawyers database is rich in tables and fields. It has a total of 131,311 attorneys over 37,800 areas from 1,800 popular cities of 51 states in America. In table lawyer, there are title, phone number, latitude, street...
This law firms database makes a list of 1,829 records mainly located in Scotland of the United Kingdom. Each law firm consists of title, latitude, longitude, address, fax number, telephone number, postal...