This restaurants database has 3,424 records from all over the world and 15,300 restaurants images in the media set. All these restaurants are classified by 40 categories and grouped by 40 international areas (such as Dubai, AE; Ottawa,...
In the bakeries database, there are 2,281 records with title, hours, more business, address, phone, website, latitude, longitude, city, state and service offered in each. All these bakeries are located in San...
This is a fields-rich restaurants, nightlife bars database of 7,250,679 business records and 6,732,104 unique phone numbers in the world, classified by 24 categories (Restaurants, Shopping, Nightlife, Home Services, Automotive, Health & Spas, Health & Medical,...
In this restaurants database, there are 82,126 records by 22,139 categories from the United States. Each record is comprised of title, street address, locality, phone number and over all rating. This US restaurants data...
In this restaurants database, there are 14,937 records of Canada with title, street address, locality, phone number and overall rating in each. This Canada restaurants data also comes with 70,793 restaurant images in the...