This is a fields-rich hotels database with 250,286 records from 26,927 cities of 194 countries around the world. Each hotel is comprised of title, rating, description, street address, address region, address country, check in, check out...
In the churches database, there are 1,828 records with title, size, info, address, description, leader, service times, service details, ministries and programs, additional info about our church and for further information in...
This is a fields-rich hotels database with 636 records in 81 popular cities of Russia. Each hotel is comprised of title, class, address, city, description, hotel information, city hotel id, room amount and etc....
This is a most comprehensive gloabl cruise tourism information database with 1,925 cruises records. Each cruise and cruise old has class, type, title, ship, departure date, introduce, price, image url and ship/deck/cabin/photos/review...
This is a world hotels database including 185,816 public houses of 43,017 popular cities from 10 regions (Africa, Asia, Australia & South Pacific, Canada, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Mexico, Middle East & United States). Each hotel...
In the hotels database, there are 32,516 records from 2,826 cities of 54 states in America. Each record has title, address, overview note, price, check in and check outc. It also contains 195,499 hotels images with URL in...
This is a database of accommodations with 3,708 records by 13 categories (self-catering, bed and breakfast, guest houses, lodges, hotels, safari, tented camps, camping and caravanning,backpackers, country houses, resorts, boutique hotels, houseboats and mobile...
This is a fields-rich accommodations database of 20,309 records in South Africa. This accommodation database is the most useful one for tired travellers to find their hotel or house to take a...