In the door repair companies database, there are 16,485 records from the America. Each door repair company record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address,...
In the lighting fixtures database, there are 16,511 records from the America. Each lighting fixture record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
In the property maintenance database, it has 16,519 records from the America. Each property maintenance record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...
In the tanning salons database, there are 16,798 records from the America. Each tanning salon record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
In the life insurances database, there are 164,877 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...
This is a grocery stores database having 167,131 records from the America. Each grocery store record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
这是一个二手车信息数据库,其中包含来自167个品牌下的51,017辆二手车。每辆二手车信息中包含有价格,车主自述,名称,新车价格,参考价格,首付,月供,上牌时间,排量和销售城市。数据中还包含有3,852个汽车的参数配置记录和1,587个基本信息。除此之外,还有663,592张汽车图片存储在49.47G媒体文件夹中。该二手车信息数据库共有10个表。 In the second-hand cars database, it has 51,017 records from 167 brands. Each used car consists of price, description by owner, name, new car price, reference price, down payments, monthly payment, card time,...
来自16大行业下的1,171,130个产品信息数据库。每个产品信息包含有供应商,所在地,联系人,手机号和价格。除此之外,数据库中还有1,264,826个产品详情和1,332,298产品图片。该各行业产品信息数据库共有9个表。 This is a database of products having 1,171,130 records from 16 industries in China. Each product is comprised of supplier, location, contact, phone number and price. There are 1,264,826 details and 1,332,298 images of these products. The...
This mold remediation database has 17,100 records from the America. There are business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude, cover image, slogan,...
This paralegals database has 17,368 records from the America. Each paralegal record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or...
这个建筑招聘数据库中共有8个表, 分别是行业分类表,行业分类与地区对应表,公司表,招聘岗位信息表,职位联系相关信息表,岗位与公司相关表,地区表和地区与职位相关表。其中,职位表中包括17,480职位信息,有职位,工作描述,工作地区,受教育程度,招聘数量,工作经验,类型,语言,工作时间及薪资记录;公司表中有17,510公司记录,每条公司记录中有公司名称,公司简介,公司规模及公司类型;职位联系相关信息表中有5,463职位联系信息记录,每条记录中有联系人姓名,电话,邮件,传真号,邮编,地址等。在这个建筑岗位数据库中,所有这些岗位信息来源于中国的12大建筑行业(建筑设计,工程施工,市政工程,轨道交通,装修装饰,机场港口,水利水电,地产物业,工业建筑,园林景观,环境工程和建筑机械),且分布在644受欢迎的地区。 请注意:该职位数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a jobs database with 17,480 records from 17,510 architecture companies by 12 construction industries over 644 regions in China. Each job record consists of position, description, working location, education, quantity, experience, type, language,...
In the roofing contractors-commercial & industrial database, it has 17,503 records from the America. Each roofing contractor-commercial & industrial record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code,...
With 17,671 lawyers from the America, this is a traffic law attorneys database. Each attorney record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
这是一个包含有17,688个菜品,菜系的菜谱大全。这些菜谱被分为以下6大类别:菜式菜品,菜系,时令食材,功效,场景和工艺口味。在每个菜谱记录中包含有标题,浏览次数,制作时间,准备时间,用餐人数,点赞人数,食物简介和小贴士。除此之外,在步骤表和食材表中分别包含有156,164个步骤和27,446食材记录。该菜肴数据库中还有170,526张图片,这些菜谱图片存储在8.81G菜谱媒体文件中。整个菜谱数据库共有10个表。 This is a recipes database with 17,688 records by 6 categories (dishes, style of cooking, seasonal ingredients, effect, scene and arts & tastes). Each recipe record consists of title, view times, make time,...
This is a fields-rich musical instruments database with 17,750 records by 16 categories (Guit/Bass, Drums, Keys, Studio, Software, PA, Lighting, DJ, Microphones, Signal Proc., Brass, Traditional, Sheet, Cases, Cables & Accessories). Each record is...
这是一个谜语大全,共包含有172个分类下的11,745个谜语。每个谜语记录中有谜底。整个谜语信息数据库共有3个表。 From this riddles database, there are 11,745 records with answer in each. These riddles are categorized into 172 classifications. The whole riddles data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyu_miyu_911cha_com Data 4.53M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+...