This is a treatment centers database of 6,105 records over 70 states from the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom. Each treatment center is filled with title, phone number, address, location, call information,...
This is a retirement communities database with 13,462 records from the America. There are business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...
This top experts of drug & alcohol rehab data set consists 78 top experts of drug and alcohol rehab in the USA. Each record includes name, title, credentials, expertise and...
This America public and private colleges and universities database lists 9,436 records by 26 categories. Each record is comprised of title, locale, street address, locality, postal code, general info, financial aid, admissions, institution type,...
This is a fields-rich and valuable vehicles database that includes 1,979 ATVs, 82,295 boats, 7,401 cars by year, 7,422 motorcycles, 25,224 new cars, 4,417 RVS camper and 15,243 used cars. There are title, condition, type, state, detail type, price, year, make, model, mileage, color,...
This is a comprehensive business information and yellow pages data set for businesses in Vietnam, with 107,641 records of company information. This Vietnam companies list has the following fields: the company, email address, telephone number, address,...
This is a global universities ranking database including 1,096 colleges. Each college has title, global score, city, description, address and website. All these colleges are from 5 regions, such as Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand,...
In the city names database, there are 1,670,784 records by 4,725 categories from 189 countries around the world. The whole world city names data set has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_city_name_mithrilandmages_com Data 356.25M (+ 0B) Tables 4 (+ 0) Columns 17 (+...
This is a world wide car rental locations database with 1,992 records from 129 countries. Each record contains title, address, phone, distance, hours of operation, latitude and longitude. This world car rental locations database...
This is a popular baby names database with 18,670 boys and girls names around the world. All these names have 44 categories. The whole world boys and girls names data set has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_baby_name_babynamewizard_com...
This is a world lawyer data with 199,272 records by 16 primary categories. Each lawyer is comprised of name, category, status, practice area, law office, licensed, introduction and etc. The whole world lawyers database...
This is a list of airports from all over the world. The world airports data is filled with 2,771 records by 26 categories with airport name, IATA, ICAO, country, country code, time zone, telephone,...
In the retirement housing database, there are 21,305 records over 30,620 cities of 616 states in 39 countries around the world. Each retirement home consists of title, address, phone, phone extension, fax number, locality, state, post code and...
In the IP addresses blocks database, there are 27,010 IP addresses with from Ip, to IP, total tips, assign date and owner in each. These major ip addresses blocks are from 213 countries of...
This restaurants database has 3,424 records from all over the world and 15,300 restaurants images in the media set. All these restaurants are classified by 40 categories and grouped by 40 international areas (such as Dubai, AE; Ottawa,...
This is a IP addresses database with 73,791 records from 244 countries around the world. Each record is comprised of begin IP address, end IP address and total count. The whole world IP address...