该生物医药百科知识词典数据库包含有73,925个生物医药词汇,每个医药词汇包含有的中文和英文数据。这些医药词汇被分为46大类别,例如:生物学,遗传学,解刨学,心理学,生理学,寄生虫学等。该生物医药百科知识词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological encyclopedia knowledge dictionary database with 73,925 biomedical vocabularies by 46 categories, such as biology, genetics, psychology, physiology, parasitology, etc. Each biomedical vocabulary has Chinese and English fields. There are 3 tables...
This is an assisted living facilities database having 47,028 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or...
This database is a collection of 47,071 sports medicine doctors from the United States. There are business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...
This is a luxury homes database with 47,090 real estates over 6,617 cities of 452 states in 74 countries around the world. The most useful data in the luxury real estates are title, bed, full bath, about, address,...
This is a physical therapy clinics database with 47,136 records from the America. Each clinic record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...
In the Chinese restaurants database, there are 47,707 records from the America. Each Chinese restaurant record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
这是全国各行业产品信息数据库,共有4,924,669个产品,这些产品来自47个行业。每个产品中有价格,公司,市场价,发货地,联系人,联系电话,邮箱地址,店铺网址和公司地址。除此之外,和产品相关的还有其它5个表,618,433个产品简介表;成交记录中有122,576成交记录,每个记录中有成交公司,成交时间,成交单价和成交数量;467,094个订购价格表中有订购量和价格;在规格表中有51,625个记录,每个记录中有规格,价格和库存以及4,262,400张产品图片。该各行业产品数据库中共有13个表。 From this products database, there are 4,924,669 records from 47 industries. Each product is comprised of price, company, market price, place of delivery, contact, phone number, email, shop website and company address. Besides,...
The parts database has 48,059 records by 7 categories from 470 makes. These categories are inside RV, outdoor living, hardware, plumbing, electrical & lighting, jacks & levelers and maintenance. In table make, it has description, telephone...
This is a floor materials database having 48,198 records from the America. Each floor material record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
This jokes database has 480 records with content and rating in each. These jokes are categorized into 26 types. The whole jokes data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_joke_thejokeyard_com Data 768K (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0)...
In the songs database, there are 482,175 records by 55,996 artists. Each song is comprised of lyric content, song duration, album, original release date and total views. The whole songs by artists database totally...
本数据库为全球旅游景点票务信息。 本数据集包括了全球6大洲,103个城市,485个景点,2600个票务价格信息。其中,景点信息包括了景点简介,景点地址,景点联系方式,景点营业时间,景点热度,景点类别以及景点经纬度等信息。票务信息主要包括了票务价格和票务类别。此外,此旅游景点数据库还包含了1536张高清景点照片 In the world sights database, there are 485 records by 23 topics from 103 popular cities of 6 regions around the world. Each sight is comprised of description, tag, address, telephone, open time, latitude, longitude and...
这是一个网名大全,共有46,163个网名,被分为48个类别。该网名信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a online names database with 46,163 records by 48 categories. The whole online names data set has 3 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_wangmingdaquan_wangming_xpcha_com Data 13.66M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 14 (+ 0) Table...
这是一个包含有27,377个菜名的菜谱数据库。每个菜名下有做法和发布时间。该菜谱数据库的菜谱被分为4个一级分类和28个二级分类,一级分类: 八大菜系,家常菜谱,四季食谱和特色面食;二级分类:鲁菜,川菜,粤菜,闽菜,苏菜,浙菜,湘菜,徽菜,特色小吃,热菜菜谱,小炒菜谱,凉菜菜谱,早餐食谱,汤,养胃粥,饮品,春季食谱,夏季食谱,秋季食谱,冬季食谱,面条,馒头,包子,面食,烘焙,饼干,面包和蛋糕。该菜谱数据库共有4个表。 This is a database of recipes with 27,377 records by 4 primary classifications (eight regional cuisines, home-made recipes, four-season recipes and special pasta) and 28 secondary classifications (Shandong (Lu) cuisine, Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong (Yue)cuisine,...
这是一个包含有3,895篇法学论文的数据库。每篇论文包含有标题,内容,导读,发表时间,作者,关键词和浏览次数。该法学论文数据库中的所有论文分为4大类 (律师实务论文、法学基础理论论文、民商经济法论文和刑法刑事诉讼法论文)。 From this China legal theses database, there are 3,895 legal theses with title, content, guide, release time, author, key words and views in each. These theses are categorized into 4 classifications, such...
该医疗器械信息数据库共计有4个分类下的32,883个记录。每个医疗器械记录中包含有招商区域,产品目录,企业,联系人,联系电话,手机,产品说明,品牌,型号,产地,批准文号,用途,浏览量和电子邮件。整个医疗器械信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a medical equipments database having 32,883 records by 4 categories and further into 43 types. Each record is comprised of attracting investment area, product catelog, enterprise, contact, telephone number, mobile phone, product description,...