This is a database of car parts of Lexus for Japan, Europe & US. There are 958 car parts record and 1,734 assembles records. Each car part record is comprised of part code, part...
这是一个全国959个品牌下的21,762件女装服饰。这些女装被分为以下13个分类,它们分别是女士外套,女士西装,女装定制,女针织衫/毛衣,女士T恤,女士卫衣,女士衬衫,女士裤装,女士裙装,女士睡衣/家居服,女士套装,中式女装和孕妇装。每件女装包含有价格,销量,风格,开和方式,衣长,版型,适用季节,领型,商品材质,产地,上市年份,品牌等。数据中还包含有86,380张女装图片。整个女装信息数据库中共有5个表。 Database of women's apparel contains 21,762 clothings from 959 brands by 13 categories. Each women's wear consists of price, sales, style, opening and closing mode, length, clothing version, suitable for seasons, neckline, material, original place,...
This is a fields-rich Christian Books, Bibles, Gifts, eBooks database of 97,468 records with title, format, vendor, ISBN 13, ISBN 10, publisher, publication date, price, description in each. All these Christian books...
In the medical dictionary database, there are 97,715 entries with title, definition, further information, pronunciation and synonym in each. All these medical entries are classified by 177 categories, such as actinomycins → adrenal hermaphroditism,...
This is a pet names database having 970 records. It has only 1 table in the whole pet names data set. Name n3_chennan_pet_name_total_german_shepherd_com Data 160K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 3 (+ 0) Table Rows...
This is an acronym database with 976 records. Each record contains meaning and initial. The whole acronyms database consists of 1 table. Name n3zm_Acronym_earthdata_nasa_gov Data 288K (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 4 (+ 0) Table...
This is a fields-rich boats database with 98 records by 4 well-known makes (parker, chaparral, robalo & tidewater) with 14 types (Saltwater fishing, center consoles, cruisers, sports fishing boats, walkarounds, bay boats, dual console, freshwater fishing,...
There are 986 records in this airline code database. You can find IATA airline designators (two letter code), ICAO airline designators (three letter code / reservation code) and Callsigns (telephony designator) of...
In the ICAO codes database, there are 999 airports ICAO codes by country and region in the world. Each record is comprised of ICAO code and location. The whole world ICAO codes...
这是一个周公解梦大全,共有9个分类下的1,486个周公解梦记录,每条记录中有标题和内容。这些分类分别是动物篇,活动篇,建筑篇,神鬼篇,生活篇,物品篇,植物篇,自然篇和其它篇。该解梦数据库共有3个表。 This is a oneiromancy database having 1,486 interpretation of dreams records. Each record is comprised of title and content. All these interpretation of dreams are categorized into 9 types, they are animal, activity,...
在这个医疗器械信息数据库中共有9大分类下的111,852个记录。每个医疗器械记录中包含有公司,品牌,发布时间,地点,产品说明,产品规格,规格型号,企业类型,联系人,联系电话,注册时间等信息。该医疗器械信息数据库中共有4个表。 In the medical equipments database, there are 111,852 records by 9 categories. Each record is comprised of company, brand, release time, place, product description, product specification, model, type of enterprise, contact, telephone number,...
该中文书籍信息数据库有9大类别的16,588本中文书籍。整个中文书籍信息数据库共有3个表。 In the Chinese books database, there are 16,588 records by 9 categories. The whole Chinese books database totally has 3 tables. Name n3zm_Book_verycd_com Data 7.62M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 14 (+ 0) Table Rows 33,185 (+...
该图书数据库共有9大分类下的16,588本书籍,每本书包含有内容介绍,图书分类,语言,中文名,原名,别名,译者,作者,出版社,书号,发行时间和地区。整个图书信息数据库共有3个表。 In the books database, there are 16,588 books with content introduction, book classification, language, Chinese name, original name, alias, translator, author, publisher, ISBN, release time and region in each. These books...
这是一个儿歌大全,共有9个分类下的3,158首儿童歌曲,每首儿歌包含有日期,人气,介绍,发布时间和所属类别。整个儿童歌曲数据库共有3个表。 This Children's songs database is filled with 3,158 children's songs with date, popularity, introduction, release time and category in each. All these songs are type into 9 categories. The whole Children's songs data...
这是一个茶叶数据库,共有9大分类的3,721种茶叶。这9大分类分别是绿茶,乌龙,红茶,普洱,黑茶,白茶,黄茶,花茶和袋泡。整个茶叶数据库共有6个表。 In the tea leaves database, there are 3,721 records by 9 categories (green tea, oolong, black tea, pu'erh tea, red tea, white tea, yellow tea, scented tea and tea pockets). The whole tea...
这是一个中文书籍信息数据库,共包含有9大类别的669,788本中文书籍。每本中文书籍中有作者,出版人,出版时间,版次,印刷时间,印次,价格等。该中文书籍信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a Chinese books database having 669,788 records with author, publisher, publishing time, print times, price and etc. in each. These Chinese books are categorized into 9 types. The whole Chinese books...