这是一个乐器数据库,共包含有15大分类下的257种乐器。每个乐器记录中包含有售价和琴行家。该乐器信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a musical instruments database with 257 records by 15 categories. Each record is comprised of selling price and expert. The whole musical instruments database totally has 4 tables. Name n3zm_Instrument_maiqin_com Data 384K (+ 0B)...
这是一个世界国家地区以及城市介绍的数据库。数据包括6大洲200多个国家和地区的国旗、国歌、首都、语言、面积、货币、国际电话区号、简介、概况。该国家信息数据库共有3个表。 In the countries informations database, there are 206 records from 6 continents around the world. Each country record is comprised of title, capital, official language, acrreage, area code, currency, continent, etc. The whole...
这是一个包含有60篇经文的地母经数据库,每个记录中有每篇的内容。该地母经信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a The Mother Earth database having 60 articles records with content in each. The whole The Mother Earth database totally has 3 tables. Name n3zm_DiMuJing_dimu_911cha_com Data 208K (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0)...
这是一个中国书店信息数据库,共有36个分类下的160家书店。每家书店记录中有网站地址。该中国书店信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a China book stores database having 160 records with website in each. These book stores are categorized into 36 types. There are 3 tables in the whole China book stores data set. Name...
这是一个中国美文的数据库。美文类型包括美文,经典美文,美文欣赏,励志文章,优美散文。每一篇美文包含文章标题,作者,以及文章内容。该美文数据库共有3个表。 This is a beautiful essays database with 2,615 records. Each record is comprised of title, author and article content. All these essays have 23 categories in this data, for example classic essays, essays...
这是一个疾病信息数据库,共包含有17个主分类下的3,555个疾病记录。每个疾病记录中包含有基本介绍。整个疾病信息数据库共有3个表。 In the diseases database, there are 3,555 records with basic introduction in each. These diseases are categorized into 17 types and further into 56 sub-categories. The whole diseases data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3a2_chunyuyisheng_com_disease Data...
这是一个国际短租房信息数据库,有来自524个城市的35,531个房东的148,415家短租房。每个短租房记录中包含有描述,经度,纬度,房间,床,容量,产品价格,原价,最终价格,房间类型,房间风格,总结,地址等。在该数据中还有其它8个与短租房信息密切相关的表,它们分别是公寓的10个浴室;9个周边环境记录;17个房间设施;10个房间特征;10个厨房;4个房间政策;7个房间规则以及2个房间服务。除此之外,数据中还包含有1,132,714张图片且存储在4.15G媒体文件夹中。整个国际短租房信息数据库共有28个表。 This is an international apartments for short rent database having 148,415 records with description, longitude, latitude, room, bed, capacity, product price, original price, final price, house style, house type, area, summary,...
全国身份证地区对照表数据库中包含31个省份,2,554个地区和360个城市的身份证参照代码。该身份证地区对照表数据库共有3个表。 This China ID card numbers database has 360 city records with province in each; 2,554 region records with code and city in each and 31 province records with location and code in each. The whole...
这是一个中国短租房信息数据库,共包含有来自全国275个城市的77,027个短租房。每个短租房中有描述,价格,地区,位置,等级,评论数,收藏数,容量,房间等。这些短租房共来自29,299位主人,共有客户152,493位。在该短租房数据库中,还包含有这些短租房的10个电器;9个浴室;79张床;170,637个评论;15个房间设施;9个厨房;353,065房间规则和6个房间服务。除此之外,短租房数据中还有1,081,175张短租房图片且存储在4.91G的媒体文件夹中。整个中国短租房信息数据库共有25个表。 This is a short rent apartments database having 77,027 records from 275 cities in China. Each record is comprised of description, price, location, class, comment number, collection number, capacity, room and etc. These...
这是一个酒店会议厅数据库,共包含有来自全国2,331个城市的37,131个酒店会议厅。每个会议厅中有描述,风格,星级,区域,地址, 会议厅数量,会议厅面积,容量,房间数量,开放时间,总评分,团购价格,长期订购价格,会议价格,推荐范围,评论数,翻新和电话。整个酒店会议数据库中有其它4个表和酒店会议厅密切相关,它们分别是206,387个酒店设备;2,463,657个酒店设备详情记录且每个记录中有内容;2,605个过去会议记录和0个会议房间的记录及每个记录中有描述。整个酒店会议厅数据中还包含有331,221张会议厅图片且存储在39.18M的媒体文件夹中。该酒店会议厅数据库共有10个表。 This is a hotel meetings information database with 37,131 records from 2,331 cities of China. Each record is comprised of description, hotel, style, star 1, star 2, district, address, meet room count,...
这是一个能源市场交易咨询信息数据库,共计有5,599个记录,每条记录中有列表日期,来源,出版,作者,日期,所属频道,关键词,原标题和内容。除此之外,还包含有725张交易咨询的图片。整个能源市场交易咨询信息数据库共有3个表。 In the energy market trading consultations database, there are 5,599 records with list date, source, publishing, author, date, owned channel, key words, original title and content in each. It also comes...
这是一个全国租车点信息数据库,共计有来自全国29个省份,367个城市的1,521家租车点。每家租车点信息记录中有租车公司,营业时间和租车电话。整个租车点信息数据库共有4个表。 This China car rental sites database is filled with 1,521 records from 367 cities of 29 provinces in China. Each record consists of car rental company, business time and telephone number.The whole China car rental...
这是一个全国宗教用品信息数据库,共计有13大主分类下的16,673个记录。每个记录中包含有厂商,价格,商品介绍,行业分类,规格型号,发布时间,商家地址,商家电话等。整个宗教用品信息数据库共有4个表。 In the religious supplies API, there are 16,673 records by 13 main categories. Each religious supply is comprised of manufacturer, price, product introduction, industry classification, specification model, release time, business address, business telephone...
这是一个珠宝商铺信息数据库,共计有来自全国34个城市的8,736个商铺。每家珠宝商铺信息中有地址,经营品牌和电话。整个珠宝商铺信息数据库共有3个表。 This jewelry shops database is filled with 8,736 records from 34 cities in China. Each jewelry shop consists of address, management brand and telephone number. The whole China jewelry shops data set totally...
该珠宝信息数据库共计有33个品牌下的26,830个珠宝记录。这些珠宝被分为853个类别。每个珠宝记录中有价格,类别,品牌,发源地,型号,系列,性别,主题,规格,欧元价格,港币价格,颜色,款式,材质,耳环厚度,宝石材质,官网电话等。整个珠宝信息数据库共有4个表。 In the jewels database, there are 26,830 records of 33 brands. Each jewel consists of price, category, brand, birthplace, model, series, gender, theme, specification, Euro price, hong kong dollar price, color, style, material,...
这是一个珠宝信息数据库,共计有382个品牌下的15,033个珠宝首饰记录。这些珠宝被分为11个类别。每个珠宝信息记录中有价格,销量,分类,材质属性,颜色,型号,尺寸,风格,商品材质和品牌。除此之外,数据中还包含有54,941张珠宝图片。整个珠宝信息数据库共有5个表。 This jewels database contains 15,033 records from 382 brands. Each jewel is comprised of price, sales, category, material property, color, model, size, style, material and brand. All these jewels are categorized into 11 types. It...