这是一个邮票信息数据库,共有14大主分类下的3,660张邮票。每张邮票记录有价格,收购价,销量,商品介绍,点击量和库存量。整个邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 This stamps database has 3,660 records by 14 mian categories. Each stamp is comprised of price, purchasing price, sales, introduction, clicks and inventory. The whole stamps API totally has 5 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_youpiao_e_stamps_cn Data 9.94M (+...
全球邮票信息数据库,共计有来自6大洲,303个国家的10,867张邮票。每张邮票中有编号,国家,发行年份,内容和价格。该全球邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 In the stamps database, it has 10,867 records with code, country, year of issue, content and price in each. All these stamps are from 303 countries of 6 continents in the world. The whole world...
这是一个医院信息数据库,共有来自全国31个地区的2,343家医院。每家医院包含有医院等级,性质,医院地址和联系电话。整个医院信息数据库共有8个表。 In the hospitals database, there are 2,343 records with grade, nature, address and telephone number in each. These hospitals are from 31 regions of China. The whole China hospitals data set totally has 8 tables....
全国31个城市的11,928家医院及8,164个科室类别的信息数据库。每家医院记录中包含有医院别名,性质,等级,联系电话,联系地址,医疗评价和服务评价。在科室类别表中,每个科室类别中包含有人数记录。整个中国医院信息数据库中共有6个表。 This is a China hospitals database having 11,928 hospitals and 8,164 departments. Each hospital is comprised of hospital alias, nature, grade, telephone number, address, medical evaluation and service evaluation. In table department, it...
这是一个全国医院信息数据库,共有30个分类下的6,353家医院,每家医院记录中有医院简介,主要设备,医院性质,医院等级,联系电话,联系地址,特色专科,日门诊量,床位数量,医院网址,电子邮件和邮编。整个医院信息数据库共有4个表。 In the hospitals database, it has 6,353 records by 30 categories. Each hospital consists of profile, main equipment, nature, grade, telephone number, address, speciality, daily outpatients, number of beds, website address, email and...
这是一个全国23个省份的32,814家医院的信息数据库。每家医院包含地址,电话,医院性质,等级,日门诊量,床位数量和特色专科。整个医院信息数据库共有3个表。 This China hospitals database is filled with 32,814 records from 23 provinces in China. Each hospital is comprised of address, telephone number, hospital's nature, grade, daily outpatients, number of beds and specialty. The...
该医院数据库共有18个分类下的7,013家医院,每家医院记录中包含有电话和科室。整个医院信息数据库共有3个表。 This hospitals database contains 7,013 records with telephone number and department in each. All these hospitals are categorized into 18 classifications. The whole hospitals API totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yiyuan_data_120ask_com Data 11.81M (+ 0B) Tables...
这是来自全国7大地区34个城市的54,655位医生信息数据库。每位医生记录中包含有职称,所在医院,所在科室,擅长领域,主诊说明和职业经历。整个医生数据库共有5个表。 In the China doctors database, there are 54,655 records with title, affiliated hospital, affiliated department, be good at, attending instruction and professional experience in each. These doctors are from 34 cities of 7 regions in...
该单表结构的医生信息数据库共有10,000位医生,每位医生包含有简介,性别,职称,所属科室,所属医院,职务,擅长和所获荣誉。 This doctors database is filled with 10,000 records with profile, gender, title, affiliated departments, affiliated hospital, duty, be good at and honors in each. The whole doctors data set has only 1 table....
这是一个医生信息数据库,包含有18个分类下的30,375位医生。每位医生记录中有职称,医生简介,性别,所在医院,所在科室,评分等信息。该医生信息数据库共有4个表。 In the doctors database, it has 30,375 records by 18 categories. Each doctor consists of title, profile, gender, affiliated hospital, administrative or technical offices, score and etc. The whole doctors database has 4 tables in...
知名医生信息数据库包含有10,558位医生的职称,主治疾病,名医介绍,所属医院,性别,所在科室,坐诊时间,联系电话和职务。 This is a well-know doctors database having 10,558 doctors with title, attending disease, introduction, affiliated hospital, gender, administrative or technical offices, working time, telephone number and duties in each. The whole...
这是一个全国292个城市的12,535个银行网点信息数据库。每家银行网点记录中有地址和电话。整个中国银行网点信息数据库共有3个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 12,535 records with address and telephone number in each from 292 cities of China. The whole China bank outlets database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yinhangwangdian_wangdian_51credit_com Data 8.34M (+...
该全国303个城市的银行网点信息数据库包含有49,569个记录。每个记录中有银行,所在地,地址,网点电话,客服电话,信用卡客服和营业时间。整个银行网点信息数据库中共有3个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 49,569 records with bank, location, address, telephone number, credit card customer service and business time in each. All these bank outlets are from 303 cities of...
这是全国7大地区660个省份的7,658家银行网点信息数据库。这些银行网点来自全国68家银行。每个银行网点记录中包含有地址和电话。整个全国银行网点信息数据库中共有5个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 7,658 records from 660 provinces of 7 regions in China. All these bank outlets are from 68 head offices. Each bank outlet consists of address and telephone number. The whole...
这是全国33个省份,332个城市的83,433家银行网点信息数据库。每个银行网点记录包含有行号,名称,电话,邮编和地址。整个银行网点信息数据库共有5个表。 This bank outlets database has 83,433 records from 332 cities of 33 provinces in China. Each bank outlet is comprised of bank number, name, telephone number, zip code and address. The whole China bank outlets...
医疗器械大全是一个单表结构的信息数据库,共计包含有13,950种医疗器械。每个医疗器械记录中包含有供应商,品牌,产品型号,产品单位,产地,适用科室,价格,产品用途,批准文号,生产企业,产品包装,规格,公司网址,企业名称,公司电话,联系人,传真和公司地址。 In the medical equipments database, there are 13,950 records with supplier, brand, product model, product unit, origin place, applicable department, price, product usage, approval number, production enterprise, packaging, specification, company website,...