该招聘数据库共有5个表和138,997个就业岗位,所有的就业岗位是由中国484个地区的37,933个企业提供的。每个工作岗位有名称,职位描述,学历要求,工作年限,薪资,工作性质,发布时间等字段。在企业表中,每个企业包含有企业名称,公司简介,地区等信息。 This is a jobs database with 138,997 records from 37,933 companies over 484 regions of China. Each job has title, zhi wei miao shu, xue li yao qiu, gong zuo nian xian, salary, gong zuo...
这是一个中国黄页数据库,共包含有63,006家公司记录且每个记录中包含有经营范围,联系电话,联系人,移动电话,座机,邮编,地址,行业,地点,公司类型,成立时间,公司简介,规模,业务类型,资本,网址,传真,邮件和生产范围。这些公司来自47个行业并且被分为3个主分类和21个二级分类。在表生产中有54,274个记录且每个生产记录中包含有公司,产品,价格,描述,订货量和存储量。在媒体文件夹中存有53,965张生产图片,共计大小39.62M。该中国企业黄页数据库共有12个表。 With 63,006 companies of China, classified by 3 categories and further into 21 sub-categories, this is a China companies yellow pages database you will need. Each company is comprised of company, business range, description, telephone,...
该文章数据库主要为来自中国网络上67个类别,1,099名作者,1,390,470篇包括金融股市、保险债券、基金投资等方向的文章。除此之外,还有10,534个问答和2,346,796文章评论。 This is a fields-rich finance, economics and stock articles database having 1,390,470 records with content, author id, create timestample, retweet count, reply count, praise count, create time, etc. in each. All...
该债券数据库主要为来自中国市场发行的4大门类的6,222支债券的基本信息及其详细的交易信息。这些债券的日交易数据记录有5,938个。 This is a China issued bonds database with 6,222 records by 4 categories. Each record has bond number, description, bond name, stock name, company website and company address. It has 4,909 bond base informations with...
本股票数据库主要为来自美股21个类别,4,050支股票的基本信息和交易信息,以及与其相关的42,195名控股高管的基本信息。 In this stocks data, there are 4,050 US stocks by 21 categories and 42,195 boards information. Each stock has stock number, description, company website, company address, etc. and there are name, position, stock, resume and...
该股票数据库主要包括港股92类行业,1474支港股上市股票的基本信息与交易信息以及与其相关的1946家控股公司基本信息。 In the funds database, there are 872 records with fund number, fund name, description, company website, company address and business in each. All these funds are classified into 6 categories and has 12 types. In...
本股票数据库主要包括中国A股上市的102个行业的14,295股票的基本信息以及交易信息,同时也包含了与其相关的11,193家控股公司及其35,962名高管的具体信息。 This is a stocks database of 14,295 records with 8,067 stock companies by 102 industries in China. Each stock has stock number, description, company website, company address and business. It contains company name, English name,...
该基金数据库主要包括中国香港93种类型共1,474条基金信息,每条基金信息包含了详细的日交易数据以及其详细的发行信息。 This is a stocks database of 1,474 records of 1,946 boards by 93 categories in Hong Kong, China. Each stock has stock number, description, company website, company address and business. It has 1,412 base informations for these...
该酒店旅游企业招聘信息数据库中有4,331家企业提供的57,690个就业岗位。每个招聘信息包含有职位,薪资,描述,工作经验,时间,数量,住宿,工作类型,语言,年龄,电脑水平,受教育程度,性别,婚姻状况等。这些酒店旅游企业大多来自中国390个地区。除此之外,该招聘信息数据库还提供了1,334条有关企业福利的信息。共有10个表。 This jobs database is filled with 57,690 records from 4,331 companies in hotel and tourism industry of China. Each record is comprised of position, salary, description, experience, time, quantity, accommodation, work type, age,...
这是一个国际短租房信息数据库,有来自524个城市的35,531个房东的148,415家短租房。每个短租房记录中包含有描述,经度,纬度,房间,床,容量,产品价格,原价,最终价格,房间类型,房间风格,总结,地址等。在该数据中还有其它8个与短租房信息密切相关的表,它们分别是公寓的10个浴室;9个周边环境记录;17个房间设施;10个房间特征;10个厨房;4个房间政策;7个房间规则以及2个房间服务。除此之外,数据中还包含有1,132,714张图片且存储在4.15G媒体文件夹中。整个国际短租房信息数据库共有28个表。 This is an international apartments for short rent database having 148,415 records with description, longitude, latitude, room, bed, capacity, product price, original price, final price, house style, house type, area, summary,...
该短租公寓数据库包含中国国内376个城市的272,300家短租公寓信息,包括名称、地址、经纬度、价格及收费标准、房屋简介、房间设施情况、周围环境、热度、房屋特色以及详细的客户打分情况。除此之外,数据中还有关于短租房周边环境信息,额外收费,房间特点,设施等信息且包含有2,540,860张短租房图片。该短租房信息数据库共有14个表。 In the houses for short rent database, there are 272,300 records of 376 cities in China. Each house has name, description, original price, final price, capacity, room, bed, capacity information, unit level, comment...
这是一个包含有全球9大洲,123个地区和4,126个城市的旅游游记数据库。该全球旅游游记数据库中有5,351篇游记,每篇游记记录有描述,出发数据和持续时间。这些游记是由1,461个作者撰写而成。在表游记内容中有37,263个记录且每个记录中有总结,标题和线路。除此之外,数据库中还有80,418张游记图片且存储在106.53M文件夹中。整个全球旅游游记数据库共有12个表。 With 5,351 tourism logs by 1,461 authors, this is a global tourism logs database. Each tourism log is comprised of description, set out data and duration. All these tourism logs are about 4,126 line cities...
这是一个国际旅游指导信息数据库,有来自全球55个国家的132个旅游指导。每个旅游指导记录中有名称和描述。这些旅游指导按地区被分为9大类别,分别是东南亚,东亚,欧洲,美洲,南亚,大洋洲,非洲&中东,旅行者之选和专题指南。整个国际旅游指导信息数据库共有8个表。 This is an international tourism guidance database with 132 records of 55 countries. Each record is comprised of name and description. These guides are categorized into 9 types by region, they are Southeast Asia, East...
这是中国34个地区的1,331家公司的旅游产品数据库,共计20,489条记录,每条旅游产品记录中有评论,描述,总分数,月销售额,价格和持续期间。该全国旅游产品数据库中还包含有1,007个目的地,3,496个旅游特色,46,130个旅游路线, 3,687个旅游路线价格和65,844个旅游总结。除此之外,旅游产品数据库中还有54,669张旅游图片。整个全国旅游产品数据库共有24个表。 In the tourism product database, there are 20,489 travel records with description, comment account, score overall, month sale, price from and duration in each. All these tourism product are from 1,331 companies of 34 regions...
这是一个包含有全国106个城市的旅游行业73家公司提供的312条人才招聘信息数据库。每条招聘信息包括了详细的职位名称,工作内容,学历要求,薪水待遇,工作要求,语言能力等,并且每条企业信息包含了改企业的基本情况比如:公司规模、公司简介、公司体制等以及该企业的工商注册信息。 This is a jobs database of 312 records with position, salary, education, quantity, description, type, experience, major, foreign language, title and time in each. All these jobs are offered by 73 companies of...
该专业术语数据库是一个包含有3,141个主题下的280,576个词条的专业术语数据库。每个专业术语记录中有名称,定义,出版年,来源,英文名称,分类,主题全名,版本等。除了以上信息外,数据库中还包含有20,904个专业术语的另外一个名称,338个全名以及1,538个简写名称。这个专业术语数据库共有9个表。 This is a terminology database 280,576 records of 3,141 subjects. Each terminology record consists of name, definition, publish year, source, English name, full subject name, category, version, etc. It also has 20,904 other name of...