

    US 1,438 Counties Data: Desc, Pop in 1850, Courts Held at of 31 States


    This is a America counties collection data having 1,438 records with county, description, area in sq miles, courts held at and pop in 1850 from 31 states. The whole United States counties database totally...

    中国4,800电力市场数据库: 4,552图片 China 4,800 Power Market News Data: 4,552 Images


    这是一个包含有4,800条中国电力市场信息记录的数据库,每条信息都包含有标题,发布日期,内容,来源,日期,出版,所属频道,关键词等。除此之外,还包含有4,552张电力市场相关照片。该中国电力市场信息数据库共有3个表。 This electricity market news database contains 4,800 records with title, list date, content, source, date, publishing, suoshupindao, keywords, etc in each. It also comes with 4,552 related pictures. There are 3 tables in this China...

    US 10,241 Assisted Living Data: Address, Phone, Fax, Zip, Nearby Community


    This assisted living database comes with 10,241 records over 5,144 cities of 51 states in America. Each record consists of title, address, phone number, phone extension, fax number, locality, state, postal code and country. It also...

    US 726 Airport Codes Database


    This 726 airport codes database is the one you need if you want to quickly find the airport information of any city in the United States. Each airport code record contains name,...

    US 159,982 Real Estate Agents Data: Phone, Address, Zip, City, State


    This real estate agents database lists 159,982 agents over 2,142 cities of 51 states in America. Each real estate agent has title, address, phone number, city, state and zip. These phone numbers are unique. There are 4 tables...

    33品牌26,830珠宝数据库: 价格,规格,款式,材质 26,830 Jewels Data: Price, Spec, Style, Material by 33 Brands


    该珠宝信息数据库共计有33个品牌下的26,830个珠宝记录。这些珠宝被分为853个类别。每个珠宝记录中有价格,类别,品牌,发源地,型号,系列,性别,主题,规格,欧元价格,港币价格,颜色,款式,材质,耳环厚度,宝石材质,官网电话等。整个珠宝信息数据库共有4个表。 In the jewels database, there are 26,830 records of 33 brands. Each jewel consists of price, category, brand, birthplace, model, series, gender, theme, specification, Euro price, hong kong dollar price, color, style, material,...

    全国292市12,535银行网点数据库: 地址,电话 China 12,535 Bank Outlets Data: Address, Tel. in 292 Cities


    这是一个全国292个城市的12,535个银行网点信息数据库。每家银行网点记录中有地址和电话。整个中国银行网点信息数据库共有3个表。 In the bank outlets database, there are 12,535 records with address and telephone number in each from 292 cities of China. The whole China bank outlets database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yinhangwangdian_wangdian_51credit_com Data 8.34M (+...

    5类4,294世界名表数据库:价格,品牌,功能,型号,机芯类型 4,294 World Famous Watches Data: Price, Brand, Function, Model, Movement by 5 Types


    这是一个世界名表大全,共包含4,294个名表信息,这些名表被分为以下5大类,分别是顶级世界名表,奢华世界名表,高档世界名表,时尚世界名表和潮牌。每个名表信息中有手表的销量,价格,品牌,系列,推出年份,手表款式,功能,机芯类型,表盘直径,手表厚度,表盘颜色,表带材质,型号,市场价等。该世界名表信息数据库共有4个表。 In the World Famous Watches database, there are 4,294 records with sales, price, brand, series, launch year, watch style, function, movement type, dial diameter, watch thickness, dial color, watchband material, model,...

    全国27省151市507,011转让商铺数据库:图片 China 507,011 Transfer Stores Info Data: Transfer Fee, Acre, Image in 151 Cities


    全国27个省,151个城市的507,011家转让商铺信息数据库,每家转让商铺信息记录中有转让费,面积,更新时间,标签,商铺简介,租金,类型,状态,区域,位置,QQ和电话。除此之外,数据库中还有254,032张商铺图片。整个转让商铺信息数据库中共有5个表。 This transfer stores database is filled with 507,011 records from 151 cities of 27 provinces in China. Each transfer shop is comprised of transfer fee, acreage, update time, tag, shop profile, rent, type, state, region,...

    10类46,104网站排名数据库: 网址,描述,百度权重,PR 46,104 Websites Ranking Data: Website, Desc, Alexa Ranking, PR


    这是网站排名数据库,共有10个不同主题分类下的46,104个网站,每个网站信息中包含有网址,网站描述,Aleax 排名,百度权重,PR,得分,总排名,网站详细说明,网站类型,所属地区,关键词和国内总榜。该国内网站排名信息数据库共有3个表。 This websites ranking database is filled with 46,104 records with website, website description, Aleax rank, SEO, PR, score, total ranking, detailed description of website, website type, region of origin, key...

    全国5,083律师数据库: 地址,执业证,律师所,案例 China 5,083 Lawyers Data: Address, License,Office, Case


    全国律师信息数据库包含有5,083位律师的基本信息,它们分别是地址,执业证,律师所,专业方向,律师案例,心意数,忠实粉丝,五星好评,个人介绍等信息。在收到心意表中有8,235个信息记录,每个记录包含有内容和时间。该律师数据库共有4个表。 From this China lawyers database, it has 5,083 lawyers with address, practising certification, lawyer office, professional direction, cases, number of kind feelings, loyal fans, five stars comment, profile, etc. in each....

    全国31省1,683律师数据库:专长领域,地址,电话,地区 China 1,683 Lawyers Data: Areas of Expertise, Address, Phone, Region in 32 Provinces


    全国31个省会城市的1,683个律师信息数据库。每个律师记录中有总积分,专长领域,地区,律师简介,电话,邮件,执业机构,执业证号,地址,积分,奖章和点击量。该全国律师数据库共有4个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 1,683 records from 31 cities in China. Each lawyer is comprised of total score, speciality field, region, lawyer profile, telephone number, email, practicing institution, license number,...

    1,319品牌名表机芯数据库: 类型,出产厂商,直径,功能 1,319 Movements of Brand Watches Data: Type, Manufacture, Dia, Function


    这是一个单表结构的品牌名表机芯数据库,其中共有1,319个机芯记录,每个机芯中有机芯类型,直径,出产厂商,厚度,功能,摆轮,振频,游丝,避震,宝石数,零件数,动力储备和电池说明。 There are 1,319 movements of brand watches with type, diameter, manufacture, thickness, function, balance wheel, vibration frequency, gossamer, shockproof, gemstone number, parts number, power reserve and battery description in each of...

    全国137,295酒店数据库: 地址,价格 Database of China 137,295 Hotels: Address, Price


    全国酒店信息数据库中包含有137,295家酒店的地址和价格。该酒店信息数据库共有4个表。 From this China hotels database, there are 137,295 hotels with price and address in each. The whole China hotels data totally has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_jiudian_gckzw_com Data 55.78M (+ 0B) Tables 4 (+ 0) Columns...

    全国5,811婚纱店数据库: 作品,评论,人气, 电话 China 5,811 Wedding Salons API: Work, Comment, Popularity, Phone


    全国5,811家婚纱店信息数据库,每家婚纱店包含有作品,评论,人气,公司简介,地址和电话。除此之外,该婚纱数据库中还包含有这些婚纱店的39,832个作品精选。整个全国婚纱店数据库共有3个表。 This China wedding salons database has 5,811 records with 39,832 selected works. Each wedding salon consists of work, comment, popularity, profile, address and telephone. The whole China wedding salons data set totally has 3 tables....

    中国86,360管材企业数据库:电话,地区 Database of 86,360 Pipes Enterprises: Telephone


    该管材公司大全中有86,360家企业,每个企业都提供有地区和电话信息。 This is a database of pipes companies having 86,360 records with region and telephone in each. Name n3_chennan_CS_huangye_qiye_chinapipe_net Data 17.55M (+ 0B) Tables 1 (+ 0) Columns 8 (+ 0) Table Rows 86,360 (+ 0)...

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