

    America 12,329 Auctioneers Database: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    There are 12,329 records from the America in this auctioneers database. Each auctioneer record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...

    US 6,183 Aquariums & Aquarium Supplies: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon, Reviews, Rating


    In the aquariums & aquarium supplies database, there are 6,183 records from the America. Each aquarium & aquarium supply record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code,...

    United States 5,111 Abstracters Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    In the abstracters database, there are 5,111 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude, cover image,...

    中国4,429,527招聘数据库 China 4,429,527 Jobs Data Set


    该招聘数据库有60,306个分类下的4,429,527个招聘信息记录。这些招聘岗位是来自中国438个城市的52个行业中的389,576家企业提供的。每个招聘信息包含有标题,薪资,地址,发布时间,工作年限,学历要求,公司规模,简介等。整个企业招聘数据库共有10个表。 The jobs database comes with 4,429,527 records of 60,306 categories. These jobs are offered by 389,576 companies from 52 industries over 438 cities in China. Each job record is comprised of title, salary, address, release time, working years, academic...

    中国18,403药品数据库 China 18,403 Medicines Database


    该药品数据库列有9大类药,共计18,403种药品。 This drugs database lists 18,403 medicines records of 9 categories and has 5 tables in total. Name n3a2_ypk_qiuyi_cn Data 12.55M (+ 0B) Tables 5 (+ 0) Columns 20 (+ 0) Table Rows 71,587 (+ 0) Media 0B (+ 0B) Files...

    中国5,206企业6,000就业岗位数据库 China 5,206 Companies & 6,000 Jobs Database


    该数据库中有来自中国392个城市的6,000个招聘信息和5,206家企业信息。在岗位招聘表中,每个记录包含有名称,工作地点,发布时间等重要信息。企业表中有企业名称和公司简介。整个岗位和企业信息数据库中共有5个表。 There are a total of 6,000 jobs and 5,206 companies throughout 392 cities of China in this data set. In table job, Each record has title, gong zuo di dian, fa bu shi jian, etc....

    Germany 944 Bicycles Data: Price, Image by 17 Makes


    This bicycles database contains 944 records with title, price, price unit, old price, infor, condition, etc. in each. All these bicycles are made by 944 popular Germany bike brands, such as Haibike, Cube, Trek,...

    English Japanese Dictionary API: 147,395 Words & 14,924 Contents


    This is an English Japanese dictionary with 147,395 words by 27 categories. Each word has English word and category. In table content, there are 228,591 records with word class, category, english word and content in each....

    159 Forestry Machine, Garden Cleaning Products Data: FAQ, Spec, Image, Info.


    This is a production database of home garden equipments & cleaning tools with 159 records by 14 categories. Each equipment record is comprised of title and category. From the whole garden equipments and cleaning...

    中国4,971美容公司25,899就业岗位数据库 China 25,899 Jobs Data by 4,971 Companies in Beauty Industry


    这是一个美容行业相关的招聘信息数据库。该美容公司招聘信息数据库中共有14个表,25,899个就业岗位及4,971公司信息。在就业岗位表中,每一条岗位信息包含有职位,岗位描述,薪资,文化程度,工作经验,数量,性别,年龄等字段。所有的工作信息按照职位有9大主分类和88个二级分类。在公司信息表中,每个公司包含有公司名称,企业简介,成立日期,规模,地点,类型等信息。总体来说,该美容行业招聘信息数据库结构良好,字段丰富,数据量大。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 In this recruitment information database, there are 25,899 jobs offered by 4,971 companies in beauty industry from 466 popular regions of China. All these jobs are categorized into 9 primary classifications and 88 sub-categories by positions. Each job...

    42,292 Terms of Thesaurus Data: 31,772 Synonyms & 26,628 Antonyms


    In this thesaurus terms database, there are 42,292 records with name in each; antonyms with 26,628 records and 31,772 synonyms. The thesauruses data also contains 74,909 examples. The whole thesauruses data set totally has 9 tables. Name n3_chennan_thesaurus_wordslike_org Data 126.41M (+...

    UK 1,385 Restaurants API: Address, Postcode, Tel, URL, Price, Hour, Menu


    In the restaurants database, there are 1,385 records with 2,122 restaurants working times, 201 restaurants menus and 142 more business information. In table restaurant, each record is comprised of title, street address, address locality, postal code, address country,...

    5,718 Recipes API: Direction, Container, Prep Time, Ingredient, Images


    This is a recipe database of 5,718 records with title, description, direction, container etc. in each. There are ingredient with 23,147 records and 5,718 preptime records of these recipes. The recipes data also comes with 5,716 images in...

    2,090,401 Products Data: Desc, Price, Image of 181,701 Stores


    There are 2,090,401 products from 181,701 stores. Each product is comprised of description, present price, original price, shop title, store title, feedback number and favorited by number. These stores have location, favorers number, owner...

    US 131,311 Lawyers API: Phone, Address, Lat, Lon, Education


    This lawyers database is rich in tables and fields. It has a total of 131,311 attorneys over 37,800 areas from 1,800 popular cities of 51 states in America. In table lawyer, there are title, phone number, latitude, street...

    11,865 Jewelry Data: Price, Desc by 187 Jewelry Brands


    This is a jewelry data set with 11,865 records by 187 jewelry brands. Each record is comprised of title, price and description. The whole jewelry & jewelry brands database has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_jewelry_brand_qvc_com Data 23.39M (+...

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