

    7,250,679 Restaurants, Nightlife Bars, Pubs, Spas, Urban Life Data: Lon & Lat


    This is a fields-rich restaurants, nightlife bars database of 7,250,679 business records and 6,732,104 unique phone numbers in the world, classified by 24 categories (Restaurants, Shopping, Nightlife, Home Services, Automotive, Health & Spas, Health & Medical,...

    944,313 Textbooks ISBN API: Edition, Format, Publisher by 131,262 Authors


    This is a textbooks database with 944,313 records by 131,262 authors. Each textbook is comprised of textbook title, author, publisher, publication date, book edition, format, ISBN-13 and ISBN-10, pages, summary, description, etc. All these textbooks are classified...

    US 5,274 Videographers Data: Address, Phone, Desc, Lat, Lon, Website


    In the videographers database, there are 5,274 records classified into 22 categories and from 19 regions of the United States. Each videographer is comprised of title, address, phone, description, lat, lon, website and etc. The whole...

    196 Bikes Data: Desc, Price, Spec, Image & 1,014 Parts by 3 Brands


    This is a bikes database having 196 records with description, year from, year to, price, price from, price to and star in each from 3 brands. In table part, it has 1,014 records with option, upc,...

    国民经济行业分类数据库: 编号,说明 National Economy Categories Data: Code, Spec


    这是一个国民经济行业分类数据库,共有4大分类,每个分类中包含有行业编码,名称和说明。该国民经济行业分类数据库中共有4表。 分类1:农、林、木、渔业,采矿业,制造业,电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业,建筑业,批发和零售业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,住宿和餐饮业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,金融业,房地产业,租赁和商务服务业,科学研究和技术服务业,水利、环境和公共设施管理业,居民服务、修理和其他服务业,教育,卫生和社会工作,文化、体育和娱乐业和公共管理、社会保障和社会组织。 This is a national economy categories database with 4 categories. The category 1 has 20 records, category 2 has 96 records, category 3 has 472 records and category 4 has 1,379 records. Each record has code, category and...

    中国电子行业264招聘信息数据库 China Electronics Industry 264 Jobs Database


    该招聘数据库共有11个表和264个岗位招聘信息。所有的这些岗位是由中国55个地区的58多家企业提供,且这些企业均来自电子行业。每个招聘信息中提供了职位,文化程度,招聘数量,薪资等重要信息。在公司表中有企业名称,规模,类型和简介。所有的这些工作岗位共有10大主分类,如设计/研发,生成管理,销售,市场,经营管理等。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 Jobs database comes with 264 records from 58 companies of electronics industry. All these companies are throughout 55 regions in China. Each record consists of position, education, quantity, salary, etc. In table company, there...

    中国服装行业43企业414招聘数据库 China 414 Clothing Industry Recruitment Data in 43 Companies


    该服装行业招聘信息数据库中共有11表和414多个岗位信息。所有的岗位信息是由服装行业43家企业提供的,这些企业都是来自中国21个地区的热门城市。其岗位表中有职位,岗位职责描述,招聘数量,文化程度,岗位类型,工作经验,薪资,工作时间,外语,专业等内容。该数据库中所有的岗位被分为服装设计类、服装生产 / 管理类、服装销售 / 市场类和行政管理类。 With 414 jobs data offered by 43 companies in garment industry from 21 regions of China, this clothing industry jobs database is well-structured and fields-rich. There are position, description, quantity, education,...

    80,241 Assembles, 4,120 Systems, 302 Models & 4 Parts of Chevrolet Cars API


    This is a database of Chevrolet cars parts with 1,181,637 records. Each record of part includes pnc, part code & quantity. Database has total 80,241 assembles, 37,448 assemble groups, 302 models, 109 series and 4,120 systems. It also comes with 87.97K assemble images in...

    58,364 Parts of Ford Data: Models, Brands, Assemblies, Sequence


    In this parts of Ford database, there are 58,364 records with sequence, part code, quantity and modification in each. There are 5 tables mostly related with these parts, they are models with 80 records; 34 brands;...

    US 4,847 Plumbers Data: Phone, Desc, Name, Service


    This plumbers database lists 4,847 records across 50 states in America. Each plumber consists of title, phone number, description and name. In table plumber, there are 4,847 unique phone numbers. In this US plumber...

    America 1,389 Plumbers Data: Phone, Address, Postcode, Rating, Lat, Lon


    In the simple US plumbers database, it has a total of 1,389 plumbers that is comprised of title, phone, latitude, longitude, address, city, state, postal code, etc. in each. The whole United...

    US 1,462 Nursing Homes Data: Address, Postcode, Lat, Lon, Image, Community Detail


    This is a nursing homes database with 1,462 records in America. All these nursing homes are sorted into 63 categories, such as New York Assisted Living, Chicago Assisted Living, Phoenix Memory Care, Los Angeles...

    European 1,136,469 Auto Parts Data: Part NO., UPC, EAN by Make, Year


    In this automobile and auto parts database, there are 1,136,469 records sorted by 8,014 engines, 10 makes and 452 years in Europe market. Each part record contains title, part fits, position, current price, list price, note, manufacturer, description,...

    America 17,120 Locksmiths Data: Address, Service, Phone, Price, Hour


    This is a locksmiths database with 17,120 records from 30 locations in America. Each locksmith is comprised of title, address, service and phone number. This US locksmiths data also contains 6 price records and hour with 7 records....

    717,641 Real Estates Data: Price, Address, Phone, Image of 71 Countries


    This is a most comprehensive real estates database of the world. There are 717,641 properties records over 20,944 popular cities from 1,499 states of 71 countries in the world. Each record is comprised of address, price, description, property...

    US 3,168 Colleges Data: Address, Total Enrollment, Degree Offered


    In the colleges database, there are 3,168 records of 51 states in America. Each us college is comprised of title, general info, address, website, financial aid office, admmissions office, type of institution, federal aid,...

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