This is a used cars database of 10,960 pre-owned vehicles records with title, mileage, location, exterior, interior, VIN, price and function introduction in each. It also comes with 267,041 images with URLs in the 9.15G...
In the worldwide airports database, there are 4,021 airports records from 222 countries around the world. The whole worldwide airports data totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_airport_name_flightradar24_com Data 1.16M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 14 (+ 0)...
This is a list of airports from all over the world. The world airports data is filled with 2,771 records by 26 categories with airport name, IATA, ICAO, country, country code, time zone, telephone,...
这是一个珠宝信息数据库,共计有382个品牌下的15,033个珠宝首饰记录。这些珠宝被分为11个类别。每个珠宝信息记录中有价格,销量,分类,材质属性,颜色,型号,尺寸,风格,商品材质和品牌。除此之外,数据中还包含有54,941张珠宝图片。整个珠宝信息数据库共有5个表。 This jewels database contains 15,033 records from 382 brands. Each jewel is comprised of price, sales, category, material property, color, model, size, style, material and brand. All these jewels are categorized into 11 types. It...
这是一个酒店用品数据库,共包含有8,325个产品信息,每个产品信息记录中有公司,经营模式,产品介绍,产品单价,所在地区,最小起订,供货总量,联系电话,地址等。所有这些酒店用品按照产品类型被分为6个主分类,28个次级分类和258个三级分类。该酒店用品数据库中共有5个表。 Database of hotel supplies contains 8,325 products with company, business model, product introduction, unit price, location, mini order, total supply, telephone, addres, and etc. in each. All these hotel supplies are...
这是一个各类机床报价列表,共有12个分类下的44,309条机床报价信息。该机床报价信息数据库共有3个表。 This machine tools quotations database contains 44,309 records in each by 12 categories. The whole machine tools quotations data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_jichuangbaojia_machine35_com Data 14.66M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 15 (+ 0)...
这是一个全国餐饮连锁加盟店信息数据库,共有12大分类下的1,895家加盟店信息,每个加盟店记录包含有单店投资,门店数量,关注度,介绍,项目优势,品牌名称,所属行业,公司地址和注册资金。数据中还包含有11,379张图片。该餐饮连锁加盟店数据库共有5个表。 This China restaurant chain franchises database contians 1,895 records with single store investment, number of stores, attention rate, introduction, project advantage, brand name, industry, company address and registered capital in each....
这是一个单表结构的宗教用品企业信息数据库,共有2,362家宗教用品公司,每个公司包含有所在地址,手机,简介,经营模式,联系人和邮箱。 This religous materials enterprises data set contains 2,362 religious supplies enterprises with address, phone number, profile, management model, contact and email address in each. The whole religous materials enterprises database has...
这是一个机床供应商信息大全,有84个分类下的18,987家机床企业信息。每个公司信息中有经营模式,公司简介,主营产品,所属地区,企业类型,员工人数,是否提供OEM代加工,研发部门人数,厂房面积,电话,地址,邮件等信息。除此之外,数据库中还有80,314个产品展示记录。共有6个表。 From this machine tools companies database, there are 18,987 records with management model, company profile, main product, region, type, number of employees, Oem processing or not, number of research and development...
该法律文章数据库包含有15个分类下的7,452篇法律文章。每篇法律文章有内容,来源,作者和时间信息。整个法律文章数据库共有3个表。 This is a legal articles database with 7,452 records by 15 categories. Each record is comprised of title, content, source, author and time. The whole legal articles database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_jsqlawer_com Data...
该医药词典数据库包含有18,990个生物医药常用词汇,每个词汇有中文和英文数据。这些医药词汇被分为8大类别,如:8000常用词汇,博士入学词汇,医学大词典,中医药词汇,生物学词典,色谱学词汇,药名大词典和微生物词典。该生物医药常用词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological medicine dictionary database with 18,990 everyday biomedical vocabularies by 8 categories, such as 8000 everyday vocabularies of dotoral entrance, medical dictionary, traditional Chinese medicine vocabularies, dictionary of biology, chromatographical...
该全国搬家公司信息数据库共包含有来自7个区域 (华东,华南,华中,华北,东北,西南,西北),2,128个地区的738个搬家公司信息。整个搬家公司信息数据库中共有5个表。 There are 738 moving companies from 2,128 areas of 7 regions in China. The whole China moving companies database has 5 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_banjiagongsi_baixing_com Data 1.27M (+ 0B) Tables 5 (+ 0) Columns 24 (+ 0) Table...
This US yellow pages database is filled with 1,681,284 businesses records across the United States. Each record is comprised of title, address, primary phone number, longitude, latitude, categories, products services, additional contacts,...
这是一个文章信息数据库,共有1,200篇文章,每篇文章中包含有文章类型,作者,内容和时间。在该数据库中,这些文章共被分为以下6大类别,分别是散文,诗歌,杂文,随笔,日记和小小说。该文章信息数据库共有3个表。 In the articles database, there are 1,200 records. Each article is comprised of type, author, content and time. All these articles are categorized into 6 types, they are prose, poetry, essay, informal essay,...
In the songs database, there are 696,970 records of 93,922 albums by 25,454 artists. Each song consists of detail information and lyric. The whole songs database totally has 5 tables. Name n3zm_Lyric_stlyrics_com Data 600.34M (+ 0B) Tables 5 (+ 0)...
这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国30个省份的15,764家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有地址,律所简介,标签,律师事务所名称,执业许可证号,电话,传真,网站,负责人,组织形式,主管机关,批准日期,职业状态,合伙人,邮编等。该中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 15,764 records from 30 provinces in China. Each record consists of address, law firm profile, tag, name, license No., telephone number, fax number, website, personnel in...