岗位招聘数据库有来自中国12个热门城市的560个招聘信息。每个岗位包含有标题,工作地点,工作经验,学历要求,工作性质,薪资等字段。同时,该数据库还有240个企业的名称和简介信息。整个中国招聘数据库共有7个表。 This China recruitment database comes with 560 jobs from 12 popular cities. Each job has title, gong zuo di dian, gong zuo jing yan, xue li yao qiu, gong zuo xing zhi, salary,...
This is a product database having 5,012 records with old price, our price and style in each by 4 categories. These categories are wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses, prom dresses and shoes. There are 56 colors and 50 sizes...
该招聘信息数据库包含有1,357家公司提供的4,574个岗位,每个岗位信息中有职位描述,工作地点,招聘人数,年龄要求,工作经验,职位性质,发布时间,联系人,联系人职务,联系人部门和薪资等。在公司表中,每家公司有公司介绍,公司行业,公司性质,公司规模和公司地址。这些招聘信息按照职位被分为48个类别。除此之外,数据中还包含有19个福利信息。整个中国招聘信息数据库中共有8个表。 In the jobs database, there are 4,574 jobs by 48 categories from 1,357 companies of China. Each job is comprised of job description, workplace, recruitment number, age requirement, work experience, nature of job, release time,...
In the boats parts database, there are 66,667 parts of boats by 533 makes. Each part consists of part number and production. In table make, it has description, telephone number, low price, in house...
This is a motors database of powersport vehicles, motorcycles, generators, snow blowers, pumps with 897 records by 20 types of 4 popular makes (Honda, Kawasaki, Suzuki & Yamaha) in 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015,...
This is a very useful rhyming words database help someone to have the list of rhyming words for children. It has 301 records of words that rhyme. The whole rhyming words data...
该招聘数据库共有11个表和61条招聘信息,所有的招聘信息是由中国18个地区17家酒店餐饮行业的企业提供的。每个招聘岗位中包含有职位,文化程度,招聘数量,岗位描述,薪资待遇,工作经验,岗位类型, 专业,外语,名称,工作时间等信息。在企业表中,每个企业都有提供企业名称,规模,企业类型和企业简介。该酒店餐饮行业招聘数据库中的所有岗位共有12个主分类,如前厅,房务,餐饮,销售,工程,采购等。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a jobs database with 61 records from 17 companies in hotel and catering industry. Each job is comprised of position, education, quantity, description, salary, experience, type, major, foreign language,...
本数据库为全球旅游景点票务信息。 本数据集包括了全球6大洲,103个城市,485个景点,2600个票务价格信息。其中,景点信息包括了景点简介,景点地址,景点联系方式,景点营业时间,景点热度,景点类别以及景点经纬度等信息。票务信息主要包括了票务价格和票务类别。此外,此旅游景点数据库还包含了1536张高清景点照片 In the world sights database, there are 485 records by 23 topics from 103 popular cities of 6 regions around the world. Each sight is comprised of description, tag, address, telephone, open time, latitude, longitude and...
This is a logos database of 45 logo details of 47 cars with brand and logo meaning in each. It also comes with 315 logo images in the car logos database. In the media files of...
This plumbers database contains 104,839 records with title, phone number, address, city, state and zip. These phone numbers are unique. All these plumbers are from 2,259 cities of 51 in the United States. There are 4 tables in...
This car parts database has a total of 683,372 records by 379 categories in 46,091 auto part models from 11,021 popular brands. In table car part, each record consists of title, type, fits, part number, part type, brand,...
This lawyers database is filled with 164,569 attorneys over 2,259 popular cities of 51 states in the United States. There are title, phone number, address, city, state and zip in each lawyer record. These phone numbers...
This is a jewelers database with 352 jewelers records. Each record is comprised of jeweler and maker's mark. These jeweler designer are popular, such as Aaron Basha, Baccarat, Bertolucci, Carter Malouf, Damiani...
In the top universities database, there are 1,817 records in the United States officially recognized as higher-education institutions. Each university is comprised of title, rank, town, description, name, acronym, founded, motto and...
This is a fields-rich database of car rentals with 3,414 records from 1,893 cities of 170 states in the United States. Each record is comprised of title, phone, hour, street address, address locality, postal code, address...
In the companies database, there are 18,576 records by 90 categories. Each company is comprised of title, gross, asking price, cash flow, furniture and fixture value, inventory value, established, number of employee, facilities, business...