This is a banks database with 7,069 records from 2,498 cities of 38 states in US. Each record is comprised of title, street address, address locality, address region, postal code, ATM hour, latitude, longitude, phone number,...
In the United States airport database, there are 18,347 records with location, faa code, airport name, faa information effective, airport identifier, airport status, longitude or latitude, ownership, from nearest city, address, phone...
This is a database of accommodations with 3,708 records by 13 categories (self-catering, bed and breakfast, guest houses, lodges, hotels, safari, tented camps, camping and caravanning,backpackers, country houses, resorts, boutique hotels, houseboats and mobile...
这是一个单表结构的医疗器械信息数据库,共包含7,316种医疗器械,每个医疗器械记录中有规格,批准文号,生产厂家,说明书,补充说明,零售价格,价格趋势,拼音简码,包装单位和条形码。 In the medical equipments database, it has 7,316 records with specification, approval number, manufacture, instruction, additional explanation, wholesale price, price trend, Pinyin code, package unit and bar code in each. The...
该谚语信息数据库共有86个分类下的5,303个谚语且共有3个表。 This proverbs database has 5,303 records by 86 categories. The whole proverbs data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_yanyu_yanyu_911cha_com Data 2.12M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+ 0) Columns 14 (+ 0) Table Rows 10,692 (+ 0) Media 0B (+...
该二手车信息数据库中共有380,772辆二手车信息记录,每辆车中有车辆描述,价格,联系人和看车地址。除此之外,数据中还有3个表中的内容与二手车密切相关,分别是包含有1,562个记录的基本信息表, 7 个记录的配置信息表和1,808,193张图片的二手车图片表,且这些图片存储在34.87G的文件包中。整个中国二手车信息数据库共有7个表。 This is a second-hand cars database having 380,772 used cars with car description, price, contact and car address in each. There are 1,562 records of basic information and 7 configuration information records of these used...
这是一个中国二手车出售信息数据库,共有121个品牌下的3,097辆二手车。每辆二手车包含有更新时间,价格,车辆地址,汽车里程,描述,电话和新车价格。该数据中包含有557个汽车基本配置信息。在表图片中有3,907张汽车图片且存储在418.61M的媒体文件包中。该二手车信息数据库共有7个表。 Database of used cars is filled with 3,097 records from 121 brands in Chinese market. Each record consists of update time, price, car address, car miles, description, telephone number and new car price....
该二手车信息数据库有47,015辆二手车出售。这些出售车辆来自全国31个省份,如北京、上海、天津、广东、重庆、湖南、河北、陕西等。每个出售车辆信息包含有标题、更新日期、车主说明、地址、价格、车辆编号、车辆类型、车辆品牌、车辆系列、上牌时间、行驶里程、交易地区、联系地址、联系人、联系电话和微信。除此之外,这个二手车出售数据库还包含有269,558张车辆图片。整个数据库共有9个表。 This is a collection of used cars with 47,015 records over 31 provinces in China. Each record consists of title, update date, car owner description, address, price, vehicle number, vehicle type, brand, series,...
这个信息数据中有来自全国21,695家酒店用品企业,每个公司信息中有公司主营,地址,联系人,电话,手机,传真,邮件和经营范围等数据。所有这些企业按照产品类型被分为以下5大类别,分别是酒店客房用品,酒店厨房用品,酒店家具用品,酒店餐饮用品和酒店大堂用品。该全国酒店用品企业信息数据库中共有4个表。 This hotel suppliers enterprises database is filled with 21,695 records with main business, address, contact, telephone, mobile phone, fax number, mail and business scope in each. All these hotel suppliers companies...
企业信息数据库中有来自全国1,836个地区的40,833家企业,每个企业信息记录中包含有主营产品,地址,注册资本,经营模式,联系电话,公司简介,经营范围,联系人,电子邮箱,注册地址,主营业务,企业类型,职员人数,公司网址,所属分类,所驻城市和年营业额。这些企业按照产品类型被分为54个类别。该全国企业信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a China enterprise database having 40,833 records with main product, address, registered capital, management model, telephone, company profile, business scope, contact, email address, registered address, main business, type, number...
这是一个法律案例点评数据库,共有99,519起案例,这些案例根据内容被分为以下4大案件:民事案件、刑事案件、行政案件和典型案例。每起案件中包含有标题,日期,内容,时间和责任编辑。该案例数据库共有3个表。 From this China legal cases database, there are 99,519 records by 4 categories in China. Each legal case is comprised of title, date, content, time and responsible editor. These categories are civil cases,...
这是一个全国二手房信息数据库,共有2,646,914个二手房信息记录。这些二手房信息来源于全国363个城市。每个二手房信息中有发布时间,价格,房屋描述,单价,房型,小区名字,房屋情况,地址,联系人,联系电话等。除此之外,数据库中还包含有79,284个房屋详情描述和51,102张房屋图片。该二手房数据库共有8个表。 From this China second-hand houses data, there are 2,646,914 second-hand housing records with release time, price, description, unit price, house layout, name of residential area, state of the house, address, contact,...
该医药词典数据库包含有16,611个生物医药词汇,每个词汇记录有中文,英文,热度和缩略语。这些医药词汇被分为5大类别,如:常用8000词汇,分子生物学词汇,遗传学词汇,内科学词汇和药理学词汇。该生物医药词汇数据库共有3个表。 This is a biological medicine vocabulary database with 16,611 everyday biomedical vocabularies by 5 categories, such as 8000 everyday vocabularies, molecular biology vocabulary, genetic vocabulary, internal medicine vocabulary and pharmacology vocabulary. Each biomedical...
这是一个各个行业的产品信息大全,其中包含有75,425个产品信息,这些产品分别来自30个不同分类,如商业服务,机械及工业制品,化工,建材、房地产,电子电工,仪器仪表,冶金矿产,农业,家居用品,安防,医药/保健/器械等。每个产品信息中包含有标题,产品简介,公司简介,价格,公司,地区信息。该产品信息数据库共有5个表。 This China products database contains 75,425 records with company profile, product brief, price, company and region in each. All these products are from 30 categories, such as business service, machinery and industrial products,...
This is a hair salons database with 19 records. Each record consists of product services, hours, additional information, payment options, areas served, latitude, longitude, ownership, in business since and customers served. The...
In the furniture database, there are 3,511 piece of furniture records by 53 categories. Each piece of furniture consists of color, review count, review score, product number, details, fabric details, weight, dimensions and additional...