Database of computers cables & wires installations has 6,119 records from the America. Each computer cable & wire installation record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address,...
It has 10,032 records from the America in this commission corporations database. Each commission corporation record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...
This is a campgrounds & recreational vehicle parks database having 22,254 records from the America. Each campgrounds & recreational vehicle park record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state,...
This is a builders hardware database having 5,959 records from the America. Each builder hardware record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
This is a breakfast shops database having 35,162 records from the America. Each breakfast shop record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...
There are 10,634 records from the America in this boat dealers database. Each boat dealer record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...
This is an awnings & canopies database having 7,268 records from the America. Each awning & canopy record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address,...
This is a pharmaceutical information on brand and generic drugs database by an alphabetical listing of both brand and generic drug names. There are 10,312 drug details in this database. Each record...
这是一个国际短租房信息数据库,有来自524个城市的35,531个房东的148,415家短租房。每个短租房记录中包含有描述,经度,纬度,房间,床,容量,产品价格,原价,最终价格,房间类型,房间风格,总结,地址等。在该数据中还有其它8个与短租房信息密切相关的表,它们分别是公寓的10个浴室;9个周边环境记录;17个房间设施;10个房间特征;10个厨房;4个房间政策;7个房间规则以及2个房间服务。除此之外,数据中还包含有1,132,714张图片且存储在4.15G媒体文件夹中。整个国际短租房信息数据库共有28个表。 This is an international apartments for short rent database having 148,415 records with description, longitude, latitude, room, bed, capacity, product price, original price, final price, house style, house type, area, summary,...
This electricians database contains 12,398 records in the United Kingdom. Each record is comprised of title, description, votes and overall score. All these electricians have 7 categories, such as Access Control / Door Entry,...
这是一个全国医疗诊所信息数据库,共包含有12,710家医疗诊所且每家诊所记录中有描述,地址,最低价,资本消耗,总分,评论数,经度,纬度,区域,街道,电话等信息。这些医疗诊所遍布全国3,450个地区,1,180个城市的13,149个街道。数据中包含有医疗诊所的65,805个客户信息;49,234个服务项目及每个服务项目的描述,内容,价格,总结,原价,折扣及销售数量以及10,713个其它服务项目。除此之外,该数据中有42,184张医疗图片且存储在7.96G的文件夹中。整个中国医疗诊所信息数据库共有17个表。 In this medical clinics database, there are 12,710 records with description, address, lowest price, per capital consumption, score overall, comment count, latitude, longitude, area, street, telephone number and open time in...
该招聘数据库共有15个表,其中有42,489个招聘信息的岗位表;480个记录的城市表;5,691个公司的企业表;595个公司详情记录表(该公司详情表中包含有产业,规模,类型,网站地址,公司地址,交通路线,地区,简介等);328个专业记录表;803个记录的职位表;306个职位所在城市的记录表;35个记录的地区表以及437个记录的公司福利表。在就业岗位表中,每个就业信息包含有岗位名称,受教育程度,薪资待遇,工作经验,工作所在地,工作时间,工作内容描述,招聘数量,招聘类型,地址等字段。此招聘信息数据库中的所有招聘信息来源于中国35个地区的480个城市。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 China jobs database has a total of 42,489 jobs records from 5,691 companies over 480 cities in 35 regions. Each job record consists of title, education, salary, experience, location, time, description, quantity, type, address and salary...
这是一个来自中国304个城市的兼职工作招聘信息数据库。该数据库中共有2,252个兼职岗位,所有的这些工作是由948家公司提供的。每个工作记录中包含有岗位,工作内容描述,薪资,工资单位, 工资类型,工作地点和时间。在公司表中,每个公司包含有公司名称,企业简介,行业,类型,地址等字段。该兼职岗位招聘数据库中共有8个表。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This jobs database has a total 2,252 part-time jobs offered by 948 companies over 304 cities in China. Each part-time job record is comprised of job, description, salary, salary unit, salary type, working...
In this skin pigmentation disorder database, there are 56 records with title in each. It consists of skin pigmentation disorder pictures in the 170.31K media set. The whole skin diseases data set...
In this restaurants database, there are 14,937 records of Canada with title, street address, locality, phone number and overall rating in each. This Canada restaurants data also comes with 70,793 restaurant images in the...
This is a area codes data set with 4,918 NPA-NXX records with block, rate centre, region, switch, ocn, lata, eff date and disc date in each. The whole NPA-NXX area codes API...