This is a hospitals data set with 1,203 records from 53 cities in the United States. Each hospital record is comprised of title, street address, address locality, address region, postal code, phone number, fax,...
This CDL training schools database has 833 records from 7,305 cities of 51 states in America. Each record is comprised of title, address, location, longitude, latitude, city and state. The whole US CDL training schools data...
In the US colleges database, there are 3,811 colleges records from 51 states in America. Each record is comprised of title, location, description, student population, best colleges national rank, online, school type, size, profit...
In the car rentals database, there are 1,359 records from 83 locations all over the world. Each record is comprised of title, description, street address, phone number, latitude and longitude. There are 3 tables in car...
In the world airport codes database, you can find airport codes from all over the World, it contains 151 records. Each record is comprised of title, location and airport code. The whole...
This is a database of aircraft models with 6,654 records. Each record is comprised of title, price, description, SKU and brand. It also comes with 14,322 aircraft images in the 1.60G media package. The...
这是一个类别较全的学术期刊数据库,共有7,497本常用学术杂志且每个杂志期刊中包含有标题、人气、主管单位、定价、分类、发行周期等字段。这些期刊共有38个分类,例如:学报、教育、经济、科学、管理、科技、技术、医学、学院、工程、农业、大学、中国、研究、文学、建筑、工业、设计、职业、教育论文等。该学术期刊数据库共有3个表。 This is a China academic periodicals database with 7,497 magazines by 38 classifications, such as journal, education, economy, science, administration, science & technology, etc. Each periodical is comprised of title, popularity, charge department,...
这是一个全国医院信息数据库,共有30个分类下的6,353家医院,每家医院记录中有医院简介,主要设备,医院性质,医院等级,联系电话,联系地址,特色专科,日门诊量,床位数量,医院网址,电子邮件和邮编。整个医院信息数据库共有4个表。 In the hospitals database, it has 6,353 records by 30 categories. Each hospital consists of profile, main equipment, nature, grade, telephone number, address, speciality, daily outpatients, number of beds, website address, email and...
这是一个影视作品大全,共包含有26个分类下的28,040个影视作品。每个影视作品记录中有剧情介绍,主演,类型,导演,地区,年份和语言。整个影视作品信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a movies and televisions database having 28,040 records by 26 categories. Each record consists of introduction, main actor, type, director, region, year and language. The whole movies and televisions data set...
这是一个医疗器械信息大全,共计有28个分类下的12,785种医疗器械。每种医疗器械记录中包含公司名称,产品分类,英文名称,批准文号,主要规格,商品名称,包装,用途,用法,产品说明,生产企业,联系人,手机,联系传真,电子邮件,公司网址,单位地址,邮政编码,经营模式,所在地区等。该医疗器械信息数据库共有3个表。 In the medical equipments database, there are 12,785 records by 28 categories. Each medical equipment is comprised of company name, category, English name, approval number, main specification, product name, packaging, usage, dosage, instruction,...
这是一个单表结构的西药信息数据库,共计有23,126种药品,每个药品记录中有药品说明书,类别,参考价格,规格,库存,通用名,生产厂家,药品价格,批准文号,功效作用,英文名,汉语拼音,主要成份,形状,禁忌,包装,有效期,不良反应等。 This western medicines database is filled with 23,126 records with instruction, category, reference price, specification, inventory, general name, manufacturers, pharmaceutical prices, approval numbers, functions, English names, Chinese pinyin, main components, shapes,...
这是一个药品信息数据库,有8大分类下(西药,中成药,医疗机械,保健食品等)60个分类的214,902种药品。每种药品信息记录中有规格,形状,代码,治疗,价格,药品,批准号,包装,制造商和类型。在药品详情表中包含有1,978,762个药品详情, 每个详情记录中有药物信息重点和药物相关的具体内容。整个药品信息数据库共有6个表。 This medicines database has 214,902 records by 60 categories. Each medicine is comprised of unit, shape, code, treatment, price, medicine, approval number, packaging, maker, and type. It contains 1,978,762 medicine detail records with key...
这是一个歇后语信息数据库,共有13,897个歇后语且每个歇后语包含有答案和类别。这些歇后语被分为15大类别。该歇后语信息数据库共有4个表。 This allegorical sayings database is filled with 13,897 records with answer and category in each. These allegorical sayings are categorized into 15 types. The whole allegorical sayings database totally has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_xiehouyu_xiehouyu_911cha_com Data...
这是一个包含有5,540个汽车配件的信息数据库, 每个信息记录中有型号,活跃度,公司,产品描述,产品报价,最小起订量,发布时间,适用车型,联系人,电话,传真,品牌,产品型号,制造商等。这些汽车配件按照产品类型被分为以下22个分类。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有3个表。 This auto parts database is filled with 5,540 records with model, liveness, company, product description, product quotation, mini order, release time, suitable for car type, contact, telephone, fax number, brand,...
这是一个全国959个品牌下的21,762件女装服饰。这些女装被分为以下13个分类,它们分别是女士外套,女士西装,女装定制,女针织衫/毛衣,女士T恤,女士卫衣,女士衬衫,女士裤装,女士裙装,女士睡衣/家居服,女士套装,中式女装和孕妇装。每件女装包含有价格,销量,风格,开和方式,衣长,版型,适用季节,领型,商品材质,产地,上市年份,品牌等。数据中还包含有86,380张女装图片。整个女装信息数据库中共有5个表。 Database of women's apparel contains 21,762 clothings from 959 brands by 13 categories. Each women's wear consists of price, sales, style, opening and closing mode, length, clothing version, suitable for seasons, neckline, material, original place,...
该礼品数据库中共有5,290个礼品记录和8,868张礼品图片,每个礼品记录中有关注度,市场价,公司名称,联系人,电话和地址。这个礼品及图片数据库共有2个表。 This gifts database has 5,290 records and 8,868 gift images. Each gift has attention rate, market price, company name, contact, telephone and address. The whole gifts data set has 2 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_lipin_cnlipin_cn...