该招聘数据库共有5个表和138,997个就业岗位,所有的就业岗位是由中国484个地区的37,933个企业提供的。每个工作岗位有名称,职位描述,学历要求,工作年限,薪资,工作性质,发布时间等字段。在企业表中,每个企业包含有企业名称,公司简介,地区等信息。 This is a jobs database with 138,997 records from 37,933 companies over 484 regions of China. Each job has title, zhi wei miao shu, xue li yao qiu, gong zuo nian xian, salary, gong zuo...
This motor parts & accessories database contains 32,097 products records of riding gear, helmets and motor parts & accessories from 100 well-known brands by 101 manufactures. In table production base, it has 31,292 production information with price, title,...
This is a car accessories and OEM parts database of 1,147 records for 447 Lexus cars. All these parts are classified by 4 categories and they are replacement parts, maintenance, interior accessories and exterior accessories. In each part record, there are...
该制造业公司招聘信息数据库中包含有12个表。招聘岗位表中有来自制造行业的140家企业提供的1,038个工作岗位。每一个招聘工作岗位都有职位,文化程度,数量,岗位描述,薪资,类型,工作经验,专业,外语,岗位名称和工作时间,且每一个提供招聘岗位的企业都有企业相关的名称,规模,类型和企业简介。该招聘信息数据库的所有招聘岗位按照职位有一个12条记录的一级分类和154条记录的二级分类。在此数据库中还包含79个公司的联系方式和421个岗位招聘的联系信息。在这两个联系方式或者信息表中有联系人,地址,邮编等字段。所有的这些招聘信息和企业来自中国129个地区,如北京,上海,广州,深圳,天津,西安等地。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a well-structured manufacturing industry recruitment database that comes with 1,038 jobs from 140 enterprises over 129 in China. In the table of job, each record consists of position, education, quantity, description, salary,...
该酒店数据库包含中国国内366个城市的263,817家酒店信息以及其中819,705条客房信息,数据包含酒店的名称、等级、地址、电话、传真、详细评分、价格、经纬度、热度、酒店简介、酒店设施、客房设施、周边情况等信息。另外,本数据包含1264099张高清图片。 This is a hotels database having 263,817 hotels and 819,705 rooms from 366 cities of China. Each hotel has address, description, class, price from, name, latitude, longitude, short name, score, recommendation_scale, comment count, style, open...
This is a car parts database having 2,336,292 records with part number, quality, sequence and price in each from 4 brands. There are 1,542 models from 571 series by 39 types for these car parts. In table assembly, it has 1,947,716 records...
这个建筑招聘数据库中共有8个表, 分别是行业分类表,行业分类与地区对应表,公司表,招聘岗位信息表,职位联系相关信息表,岗位与公司相关表,地区表和地区与职位相关表。其中,职位表中包括17,480职位信息,有职位,工作描述,工作地区,受教育程度,招聘数量,工作经验,类型,语言,工作时间及薪资记录;公司表中有17,510公司记录,每条公司记录中有公司名称,公司简介,公司规模及公司类型;职位联系相关信息表中有5,463职位联系信息记录,每条记录中有联系人姓名,电话,邮件,传真号,邮编,地址等。在这个建筑岗位数据库中,所有这些岗位信息来源于中国的12大建筑行业(建筑设计,工程施工,市政工程,轨道交通,装修装饰,机场港口,水利水电,地产物业,工业建筑,园林景观,环境工程和建筑机械),且分布在644受欢迎的地区。 请注意:该职位数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a jobs database with 17,480 records from 17,510 architecture companies by 12 construction industries over 644 regions in China. Each job record consists of position, description, working location, education, quantity, experience, type, language,...
This quotes database has 849,728 famous quotes records of 14,898 topics by 29,528 authors. Each record consists of the quote and the author. In the table author, there are profession, nationality, born and die fields in each....
In this bikes database, there are 31,111 records with description, votes, overall rating, overall rating for naked, engine performance, engine performance for naked, reliability problem free, reliability problem free for naked, fun...
The car parts of Subaru data contains 357,703 records with part code, sequence, modification, quantity, date of manufacture from and date of manufacture to in each. There are other 5 tables mostly...
This is a veterinarians database with 63,563 records throughout 2,537 cities of 51 states in America. Each veterinarian is comprised of title, street address, phone number, address locality, address region and postal code. The whole United...
In the common skin disease database, there are 44 records with alt in each. It includes 146 skin disorder summaries. These skin disease are Skin Cancer, Lupus, Acne, Warts, Cold sore, etc. The whole...
This skin diseases database has 221 records by 2 categories (A Clinical Atlas of 101 Common Skin Diseases & Therapeutic Strategies in Dermatology). Each record consists of title and content. The skin diseases data...
This is a pet names database having 750 records by 9 categories. These categories are cute boy dog names, funny boy dog names, elegant boy dog names, classic boy dog names, sporty boy dog...
In this nursing homes database, there are 2,624 records with title, street address, address locality, address region, postal code, phone number and description in each of the United States. All these nursing...
In the Malaysia apartments database, there are 99,122 apartments in Malaysia with 12,215 details and 104 amenities. Each apartment has title, price, size, type, street address and description. It also comes with 315,862 images in the 26.12G media...