这是一个全国租车点信息数据库,共计有来自全国29个省份,367个城市的1,521家租车点。每家租车点信息记录中有租车公司,营业时间和租车电话。整个租车点信息数据库共有4个表。 This China car rental sites database is filled with 1,521 records from 367 cities of 29 provinces in China. Each record consists of car rental company, business time and telephone number.The whole China car rental...
这个医疗器械信息数据库共有40,722个记录,这些医疗器械被分为37个类别。每个医疗器械记录中有发布时间,公司,地点,地址,产品说明,品牌,单价,起订,供货总量,所在地,有效期,浏览次数和联系人。整个医疗器械数据库共有3个表。 This medical equipments database contains 40,722 records by 37 categories. Each medical equipment consists of release time, company, place, address, product description, brand, unit price, mini order, total supply volume, location, term of...
该药品信息数据库共有20个分类下的26,410种药品。每种药品信息中有产品分类,英文名称,批准文号,主要规格,公司名称,联系人,联系电话,手机,传真,电子邮件,邮政编码,联系地址,包装,用法,产品说明,所在地区,所属行业,公司类型,邮政编码等。整个药品信息数据库共有3个表。 In the medicines database, it has 26,410 records by 20 categories. Each medicine is comprised of category, English name, approval number, main specification, company name, contact, mobile phone, telephone number, fax number, email,...
这是一个各大品牌下的手表信息数据库,共有来自78个品牌下的50,101个手表信息。每个手表信息记录中包含有价格,品牌,系列,机芯类型,机芯型号,表径,表壳材质,欧元价格,美元价格,港币价格等。该品牌手表信息数据库共有3个表。 This watches database is filled with 50,101 records from 78 brands. Each watch consists of price, brand, series, movement type, movement model, watch diameter, watch case material, Euro price, US dollar price, Hong...
这是一个中国古诗词和诗人信息数据库,其中古诗词有144,949篇,诗人有11,512个。在每个诗人记录中包含有诗人简介,朝代和诗词数量。该古诗词和诗人数据库共有5个表。 This poems and poets database has 144,949 poems and 11,512 poets of China. Each poet is comprised of profile, dynasty and quantity of poems. The whole China ancient poetry and poets data set...
这是一个包含有全国222个品牌下的763,968个汽车配件信息数据库。每个汽车配件中有标题,配件说明,参考价格,适合品牌和车型,所属分类,配件名称,电话和标签。该汽车配件数据库共有4个表。 This auto parts database has 763,968 records from 222 brands. Each car accessory is comprised of part description, reference price, suitable for brand, classification, part name, suitable for car type, telephone number and...
这是一个分类较全的学术期刊数据库。该数据库包含有8,408本期刊杂志,共分为36大类别,如教育、医学、经济、图书、建筑、生物、体育、电子、石油、计算机等。每本期刊杂志包含有标题、人气、主管单位、主办单位、出版地区、订价、分类、发行周期、学术栏目、期刊收录、评价等。整个学术期刊杂志数据库共有3个表。 This is a comprehensive academic periodicals database with 8,408 magazines by 36 classifications, such as education, medical, economic, books, building, etc. Each periodical contains title, popularity, charge department, host department, publication region, pricing,...
这个二手房数据库有来自中国29个热门城市的40,809套二手房信息。每套二手房信息记录中有标题、总价、单价、核心卖点、业主心态和小区配套。该二手房数据库共有5个表。 This is a database of second-hand houses with 40,809 records from 29 popular cities in China. Each record is comprised of title, total price, unit price, core selling point, the owner mentality and...
This is a car parts database having 212,224 records. Each record consists of time left and price. All these auto parts are classified into 34 categories. It also comes with 0 car parts images. There are 6 tables...
这是一个乐器信息数据库,共包含有1,400个乐器。这些乐器共有5大主分类,即键盘乐器,拨弦乐器,弓弦乐器,打击乐器和吹奏乐器。在次级分类和三级分类中,这些乐器分别被细分为240个和593个类别。该乐器信息数据库共有6个表。 This musical instruments database is filled with 1,400 records by 5 main categories, they are keyboard instrument, plucked string instrument, Bowed string instrument, percussion instruments and wind instruments. It has further into 240 secondary categories...
In the songs database, there are 482,175 records by 55,996 artists. Each song is comprised of lyric content, song duration, album, original release date and total views. The whole songs by artists database totally...
In the music instruments data, there are 4,444 records by 16 categories (bass guitars, drums & percussion, keyboards & midi, DJ gear, lighting & stage effects, guitars etc.). Each instrument has title, price, overview,...
There are 11,700 records in this water damage restoration database of the America. Each water damage restoration record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address,...
In the variety stores database, there are 35,589 records from the America. Each variety store record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
In the tool rentals database, there are 4,373 records from the America. Each tool rental record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
This is a stucco & exterior coating contractors database having 2,466 records from the America. Each stucco & exterior coating contractor record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state,...