

    US 34,973 Brunch & Lunch Restaurants Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon, Reviews


    Database of brunch & lunch restaurants has 34,973 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...

    US 10,574 Bartending Services Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    In the bartending services database, it has 10,574 records from the America. Each bartending service record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...

    US 87,976 Baptist Churches Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    Database of baptist churches has 87,976 records from the America. Each baptist church record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...

    America 14,438 Automobile Parts Data: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    This is an automobile parts database having 14,438 records from the America. Each automobile part record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...

    US 9,873 Audio & Video Equipment-Dealers: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon, Reviews, Rating


    There are 9,873 records from the America in this audio & video equipment-dealers database. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...

    10,626 Armed Forces Recruiting API: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon (US)


    With 10,626 records from the America, this is an armed forces recruiting database. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or...

    US 16,143 Architectural Engineers Data: Email, URL, Phone, Lat, Lon


    In this architectural engineers database, there are 16,143 records from the America. Each architectural engineer record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...

    America 27,796 Appraisers Database: Email, Website, Phone, Lat, Lon


    In the appraisers database, there are 27,796 records from the America. Each appraiser record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...

    US 12,603 Accounting, Bookkeeping Machines & Supplies Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    This is an accounting, bookkeeping machines & supplies database with 12,603 records in the America. Each accounting, bookkeeping machines & supplies record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip...

    US 37,593 Air Conditioning Equipments & Systems Data: Email, URL, Tel, Lat, Lon


    In this air conditioning equipments & systems database, there are 37,593 records from the America. Each air conditioning equipment & system record consists of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip...

    中国729企业5,544鞋业招聘数据库 China 5,544 Jobs Data & 729 Companies in Footwear Industry


    这是一个鞋业招聘信息数据库,来自中国72个地区的729家企业提供的5,544个就业岗位信息,每个信息包含有标题,职位描述,工作地点,学历要求,工作经验,招聘人数,发布时间,所属部门,职位类别,性别要求,薪资等重要字段。该鞋业招聘信息数据库结构完整,数据量大,字段丰富,共有5个表。 In the jobs database, there are 5,544 records offered by 729 companies in footwear industry from 72 regions in China. Each job is comprised of title, job description, working location, academic requirements, work experience, number...

    10,027 College Textbooks, E-books Data: ISBNs, Author, Price, Copyright


    This college textbook database has 10,027 unique textbooks & E-books categorized into by 112 subjects, such as Technical Trades, Religion, Marketing, Italian, Humanities, etc. Each book is comprised of book title, author, isbn-10, ISBN-13,...

    全球55国家132旅游指导数据库: 名称,描述 World 132 Tourism Guidance API: Name, Desc in 55 Countries


    这是一个国际旅游指导信息数据库,有来自全球55个国家的132个旅游指导。每个旅游指导记录中有名称和描述。这些旅游指导按地区被分为9大类别,分别是东南亚,东亚,欧洲,美洲,南亚,大洋洲,非洲&中东,旅行者之选和专题指南。整个国际旅游指导信息数据库共有8个表。 This is an international tourism guidance database with 132 records of 55 countries. Each record is comprised of name and description. These guides are categorized into 9 types by region, they are Southeast Asia, East...

    3,141主题280,576专业术语数据库: 名称,定义,来源,分类 280,576 Terms of Terminology Dictionary Data by 3,141 Subjects


    该专业术语数据库是一个包含有3,141个主题下的280,576个词条的专业术语数据库。每个专业术语记录中有名称,定义,出版年,来源,英文名称,分类,主题全名,版本等。除了以上信息外,数据库中还包含有20,904个专业术语的另外一个名称,338个全名以及1,538个简写名称。这个专业术语数据库共有9个表。 This is a terminology database 280,576 records of 3,141 subjects. Each terminology record consists of name, definition, publish year, source, English name, full subject name, category, version, etc. It also has 20,904 other name of...

    1,592 New & Used Boats Data: Model, Engine, Beam, Feature, Spec, Image


    This is a boats and boats sales database with 1,592 boats and 109 sales records in each. All boats are categorized into 7 makes of Bennington, Carolina Skiff, Grady White, Regal, Sea Hunt, Yamaha marine and...

    中国1,134区708专业22,545综合就业岗位数据库 China Comprehensive 22,545 Jobs: 708 Majors in 1,134 Regions


    该数据有来自中国1,134个地区5,182多家企业的22,545个综合招聘信息记录,这些招聘信息分别来自708个不同专业。每个招聘信息包含有岗位名称,内容描述,薪资,工作经验,文化程度,工作时间,雇员类型等重要信息。所有的工作信息记录共有9大主分类,分别是电力新能源,土木建筑,机电机械,石油化工,采矿冶炼,环保水务,IT互联网,建材家具和精选行业。该综合岗位信息招聘数据库整体共有15个表。 请注意:该数据库动态性较强,所以可以根据用户需求提供更新。 This is a comprehensive recruitment database of 22,545 jobs from 708 majors in 5,182 companies over 1,134 regions of China. Each job is comprised of job, description, salary, experience, education, time, employee type, etc. There are 9 primary...

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