这是一个最新摩托车信息数据库,包含有3,022辆最新摩托车信息,每辆摩托车信息记录中有上市时间,发动机型号,长宽高,排量,最大功率,制动方式,轴距,坐垫高,离地间隙等。这些摩托车被分为以下10大类别,它们分别是弯梁车,踏板车,跨骑车,太子车,越野车,跑车,特种车,三轮车,四轮车和助力车。整个摩托车信息数据库中共有4个表。 This is a list of latest motorcycles data with 3,022 records by 10 types. Each motorcycle is comprised of time to market, engine model, length, width andd height, output volume, maximum power, brake...
这是一个全国酒店信息数据库,共有来自30个省,1,223个城市,11,023个地区的76,586个酒店信息。每个酒店信息包含有区域,地址,经度,纬度,价格,好评等。该全国酒店信息数据库中共有5个表。 From this China hotels database, there are 76,586 records over 11,023 regions from 1,223 cities of 30 provinces in China. Each hotel consists of region, address, longitude, latitude, price, favorable comment, etc. The whole China hotels data...
全国7大地区185,883家企业和864,497相关产品信息数据库。这7大地区是直辖市,华北地区,东北地区,华东地区,中南地区,西南地区和西北地区。每家公司信息数据中有公司地址,主营行业,主营产品,经营模式,公司人数,联系人,电话,产品分类等字段。在相关产品表中有产品的价格和简介字段。该企业黄页数据库共有8个表。 From this China enterprises database, there are 185,883 companies and 864,497 related products from 7 regions in China. Each company has company address, main industry, major product, management model, contact, phone, product classification, etc. All...
这是一个电影数据库,包含有1,536部电影,每个电影记录中有标题和评分。这些电影按照内容和出产地被分为11个类别,分别是最新,最热,内地,香港,美国,泰国,动作,喜剧,科幻,爱情和动画。该电影数据库共有3个表。 The movies database has 1,536 records with title and score in each. All these movies are typed into 11 categories by content and country of origin, they are latest, hottest, mianland, Hong Kong,...
中国私募基金管理人数据库中共有22,162个私募基金管理人的记录,每个记录中大致包含有标题,基金管理人中文名,登记编号,组织机构代码,登记时间,成立时间,注册地址,办公地址,注册资本,企业性质,机构类型等信息。该数据库中共有7个表。 In the China private equity managers data set, there are 22,162 private equity managers with title, Institutional integrity information, Fund manager in Chinese, fund manager in English, registration number, Institution code,...
这是一个包含有583条来自中国售电公司的动态信息数据库且共有4个表。每条信息包含有文件名称,发布日期,作者,网址,关键词和文件内容。在该数据库9.46M文件图片库中还包含有136张售电公司信息图片。 This is a news database from sales of electricity company in China. It has a total 583 news records with file title, publish date, writer, website, key words and file content...
该数据库是中国国家经济、金融指标月度数据库,其中包含有二级分类月度指标数据2,828条和三级分类月度指标数据15,736条。每条月度指标数据记录中有指标名称,代码,分类,点数,IF显示代码,分类代码,单位等字段。共有7个表。 This is a China's National economy, financial monthly index data with 2,828 records of secondary classification and 15,736 index records of reclassify. Each index record is comprised of zb name, code, exp, category,...
This drugs products database is filled with 4,663 records that are categorized into 6 types. Each drug record is comprised of title, sku, shipping and description. The whole drugs data set has 5 tables. Name n3zm_Drugs_theonlinedrugstore_com...
这是一个中国国内大学数据库,这些大学来自于33个不同省份。每条大学信息包括院校类型,院校隶属,院校历史,所在地区,学校网址,学校排名,星级, 办学成绩等字段。该中国大学数据库共有3个表。 This is an university database from 33 provinces of China. There are 1,973 universities with title, type, website, region, special enrollment, solicit students, university rank, school grades etc. in each. It totally...
This is a airport database with 118 records from 5 regions (The Americas, Europe, The Middle East, Africa and Asia & the Pacific) around the world. Each record is comprised of city by alphabetical order, code...
In the women's clothing wholesalers & manufacturers database, there are 10,443 records from the America. Each women's clothing wholesaler & manufacturer record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state,...
In the wedding supplies & services database, there are 6,863 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...
In the truck equipment & parts database, there are 3,999 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...
This is an emissions inspection stations database having 14,056 records from the America. Each emission inspection station record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address,...
In the commercial & industrial flooring contractors database, there are 1,643 records from the America. Each commercial & industrial flooring contractor record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state,...
Database of business documents & records-storage & management has 19,179 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating...