In the aircraft maintenances database, there are 5,586 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...
这是一个来自中国热门城市的208家企业提供的1,796个就业岗位信息数据库。每个就业岗位包含有标题、发布时间、薪资、工作经验、学历要求、工作地点和职位要求。整个岗位招聘信息数据库中共有4个表。 This is a jobs database with 1,796 records offered by 208 companies from popular cities in China. Each job record is comprised of title, release date, salary, working experience, educational requirement, working place...
这是一个招聘数据库,共有13个表和9,054个招聘信息。所有的招聘信息是由来自中国20个城市的3,822家企业提供的。每个招聘岗位数据包含有标题,工作地址,发布时间等字段。 该招聘数据库有16个主分类和1,166个二级分类。 This is a recruitment database of 9,054 jobs that are offered by 3,822 companies over 20 cities in China. Each job is comprised of title, working address, release time, etc. There are 16 primary categories and 1,166 sub-categories...
This is a global universities ranking database including 1,096 colleges. Each college has title, global score, city, description, address and website. All these colleges are from 5 regions, such as Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand,...
这是一个酒店会议厅数据库,共包含有来自全国2,331个城市的37,131个酒店会议厅。每个会议厅中有描述,风格,星级,区域,地址, 会议厅数量,会议厅面积,容量,房间数量,开放时间,总评分,团购价格,长期订购价格,会议价格,推荐范围,评论数,翻新和电话。整个酒店会议数据库中有其它4个表和酒店会议厅密切相关,它们分别是206,387个酒店设备;2,463,657个酒店设备详情记录且每个记录中有内容;2,605个过去会议记录和0个会议房间的记录及每个记录中有描述。整个酒店会议厅数据中还包含有331,221张会议厅图片且存储在39.18M的媒体文件夹中。该酒店会议厅数据库共有10个表。 This is a hotel meetings information database with 37,131 records from 2,331 cities of China. Each record is comprised of description, hotel, style, star 1, star 2, district, address, meet room count,...
In the zip codes data, there are 60,376 records with title, postal code, area name, provice, time zone, latitude & longitude, elevation, population and dwelling, etc. in each from 1,254 cities of Canada. The...
This is a skin disorders database with 1,139 records by 71 categories, such as Acne: Causes, Solutions and Treatments for Adults, Bed Bugs: Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite, Cosmetics Quiz: Test Your Skin...
This is a musical instruments database with 7,157 records from 949 brands (such as Access, Alexander, Analog Alien, Artino, Auralex, Bam, Charles Davis, Diezel, etc.). Each musical instrument has title, price and description. The...
This musical instruments database consists of 4,548 records by 13 categories (Guitars, Bass, Amps & Effects, Drums, Recording, Software, Keyboard & MIDI, Mics & Wireless, Live Sound, DJ, Lighting, Accessories, Band & Orchestra). Each...
This law firms database makes a list of 1,829 records mainly located in Scotland of the United Kingdom. Each law firm consists of title, latitude, longitude, address, fax number, telephone number, postal...
This is a icons database with 15,838 free icons by 85 categories, such as animals, architecture and city, beauty, business, electronics, food, flags, gaming, etc. All these icons are for both personal and commercial...
This is a United States dentists collection with 119,881 records in 2,259 cities of 51 states. Each dentist has title, phone number, address, city, state and zip. The whole US dentists data set has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_dentist_yellowpagecity_com...
This is an auto repair shops database with 56,323 records that provides expert full services for most vehicles. Each record is comprised of title, street address, postal code, phone numbers, description, latitude...
This 9,478 airport database is the one you need if you want to quickly find the airport information of any city in the world. These airports are grouped by 26 categories. Each airport record...
全国35个城市的3,338个石材报价信息,每个信息记录中有规格,价格,公司,产地,时间,起订量,产品用途,主营产品,公司地址,联系人,邮政编码,电话,手机,传真和邮件。整个石材报价信息数据库中共有4个表。 This stone material quotations database has 3,338 records from 35 cities of China. Each stone material quotation record is comprised of specification, price, company, place of origin, time, mini order, product usage, main...
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有453,794个苗木报价,每个苗木报价记录中有苗木品种,价格,公司,米径,高度,冠幅,地径及更新时间。 This is a database of nursery stocks quoted price with 453,794 records. Each record is comprised of variety, price, company, ground of meter diameter, height, update time, etc. It only has 1 table...