来自全国39大行业的21,376家公司信息集合。每个公司信息中有主营,公司介绍,联系人,电话,邮件,公司类型,所在地,注册资本,保证金,经营范围等。这个全国企业信息数据库中共有4个表。 From this China enterprises database, there are 21,376 companies from 39 industries. Each company consists of main business, company introduction, contact, telephone, email, type, location, registered capital, cash deposit, business scope, etc. The...
这是一个来自中国7大地区31个城市的35,154家供应商数据库。每个企业包含有标题,主营产品,主营行业,所在地,加工方式,员工人数,品牌名称,公司简介,注册号,公司地址,注册资本,年营业额等信息。该中国企业信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a database of suppliers with 35,154 records from 31 cities of 7 regions in China. Each record has title, main product, main industry, location, processing method, number of employee, brand name, company profile,...
这是一个包含有中国10,183个医疗器械企业信息及1,695个产品展示的数据库。每个医疗器械企业数据中包含有标题,公司说明,联系人,联系电话,经营模式,所在地区,生产企业,联系传真,电子邮件,公司网址,单位地址和邮政编码信息。所有这些医疗器械企业被分为以下15个类别:其他器械,外科器械,一次性医疗用品,医用敷料及卫生材料,能量治疗器械,诊断监护仪及试剂,康复护理设备及器具,口腔科设备,医用高分子材料及制品,手术室、诊疗室设备,清洁消毒器械,药液输送保存器械,注射穿刺器械,植入器械和避孕计生器械。该医疗器械企业信息数据库共有5个表。 This is a database of medical equipment enterprises having 10,183 records and 1,695 products display. Each medical equipment enterprise is comprised of title, company description, contact, contact phone, business model, located region, manufacturing...
这是一个来自全国44个地区的611家光纤企业信息数据库,每家企业信息中包含有公司简介,联系人,电话,传真,邮件和联系地址。数据中有来自这些企业研发的221个最新产品。该全国光纤企业信息数据库共有5个表。 This optical fiber database contains 611 records from 44 regions in China. Each record consists of company profile, contact, telephone number, fax number, email and address. It also comes with 221 latest products by these...
该企业信息数据库具有数据量大、结构清晰和字段丰富等特点,共计有1,067,390个企业信息和4个表。每个企业信息包含有标题,法人代表,注册资本,成立时间和企业地址。所有这些企业来自中国31个省份下的364个城市。 This is a high volume database of 1,067,390 enterprise information records with title, legal person, registered capital, founding time and address in each. All these enterprises are from 364 cities of 31 provinces in China....
这是一个汉语词典大全,包含有22个分类下的297,036条汉语词条数据库。每个词条有基本解释,详细解释,拼音和繁体字段。该汉语词典数据库中共有3个表。 This Chinese dictionary database contains 297,036 terms with basic explanation, detailed explanation, traditonal Chinese character and spell in each by 22 categories. The whole Chinese dictionary database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_hanyucidian_cidian_xpcha_com Data 241.55M (+...
这是一个记录有8,300篇裁决文书数据库且共有3大分类 (刑事裁判文书、民事裁判文书和行政裁判文书)。每篇裁决书包含有标题,事件和内容。该裁决文书数据库共有3个表。 This China judgements database contains 8,300 judgements with title, event and content in each. All these judgements are categorized into 3 classifications, such as criminal judgement, civil judgement and administrative judgement. The...
这是一个数控机床产品信息数据库,包含有84个分类下的100,399个产品。每个产品记录中有标题,公司,产品详情,供货量,价格,所在地,联系人,有效期,型号,品牌,电话,移动电话,传真,地址和邮编。整个数控机床产品信息数据库中共有5个表。 The computerized numerical control products database contains 100,399 CNC products of 84 categories, such as lathe, grinding machine, planer, milling machine, boring machine, drilling machine, WEDM machine tool, etc. Each product has title,...
这是一个邮编数据库,共包含有来自全国31个省,327个市的55,429个邮编。每个邮编记录中包含有地址信息。在市表中包含有区号。共有4个表。 This zip codes database is filled with 55,429 records with address in each. All these zip codes are from 327 cities of 31 provinces in China. It has area code in each city record. There...
这是一个菜谱大全,共有180个分类下的24,919个食谱记录。每个食谱中包含有简介,图片,主料,辅料和操作步骤。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,887张食谱图片且储存在83.51M的文件包中。该食谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database contains 24,919 records by 180 categories. Each recipe is comprised of brief introduction, image, main ingredients, supplemental material and steps. It also comes with 8,887 images of these recipes in the 83.51M...
This is a recipes by meal plan database with 524 records by 6 categories. Each record is comprised of title, ingredient, description, prep time and cook time. In the recipes database, there are 2 important related...
In the medical disease data, there are 463 records, 7,229 slideshows and 7,702 images of medical diseases in this data. In table medical disease slideshow, it has title and specific content in each of record. The...
In the medical dictionary database, there are 11,320 entries. Each entry consists of publisher, print publication date, print isbn 13, published online, current online version, eisbn and defination. It has only 1 table in...
This is a medical dictionary database having 4,119 medical entries with title, content, posted on and modified on in each. There are 3 tables in the medical dictionary entries data. Name n3zm_Medical_Dictionary_myvmc_com Data 2.81M (+...
这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国34个省份的917家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有服务范围,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,电话,QQ和邮箱。整个中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 917 records from 34 provinces in China. Each record consists of scope of service, contact telephone number, address, profile, telephone, QQ and email address. There are 3 tables...
This lawyers database contains 108 best lawyers by 34 categories in India. Each lawyer is comprised of name, expiry date, address, firm description and etc. The whole India lawyers database consists of 3 tables. Name n3zm_Lawyer_legalserviceindia_com(India)...