该图书数据库共有9大分类下的16,588本书籍,每本书包含有内容介绍,图书分类,语言,中文名,原名,别名,译者,作者,出版社,书号,发行时间和地区。整个图书信息数据库共有3个表。 In the books database, there are 16,588 books with content introduction, book classification, language, Chinese name, original name, alias, translator, author, publisher, ISBN, release time and region in each. These books...
这是一个包含有66,264本中文图书的信息数据库。每本图书有品相,价格和店铺信息。这些图书被分为57个类别。该图书数据库共有4个表。 This Chinese books database is filled with 66,264 records by 57 categories. Each book is comprised of price, condition and store. The whole Chinese books data set has 4 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_tushu_mbook_kongfz_com Data...
这是一个中文图书数据库,共有275,784本图书且每本图书中包含有现价,原价,作者,出版社和出版时间。这些图书按照内容被分为以下6大类,分别是文学艺术,少儿童书,人文社科,经管励志,生活时尚和科技教育。该中文图书数据库共有6个表。 This is a database of Chinese books having 275,784 records with present price, original price, author, publisher and publish time in each. These books are categorized into 6 types by content, they are...
这是一个图书信息数据库,共包含有14,925本图书,每本图书中有评分,评价人数,出版,内容简介,作者简介,作者,出版社,原作名,译者,出版年,页数,定价,ISBN等。这些图书按内容被分为6大类别,分别是文学,流行,文化,生活,经管和科技。该图书信息数据库共有4个表。 In the books database, there are 14,925 records with score, people of evaluate, publish, content profile, author profile, author, publisher, original name, translator, publish year, pages, price, ISBN and etc. in...
该缩略词大全包含有29个行业下的30,789个词汇。每个缩略词包含有词性类别,英文全称,中文解释和缩写简介。整个缩略词信息数据库共有5个表。 In the abbreviations database, it has 30,789 records from 29 industries. Each abbreviation contains part of speech category, English full name, Chinese interpretation and abbreviation brief. The whole abbreviations data set totally has 5 tables....
这是一个中英文对照缩略词信息数据库,共包含2,386个缩略词,且每个缩略词中有翻译,英文缩写,英文全称,中文解读和缩写分类。这些缩略词按行业被分为28个类别。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,751个其它解释信息。该中英文对照缩略词信息数据库共有5个表。 This abbreviations and acronyms database contains 2,386 records with translation, English abbreviation, English full name, Chinese interpretation and abbreviation classification in each. These abbreviations are categorized into 28 classifications by industry. It also...
这是一个来自各行业的缩略词大全,共有2,459个缩略词,每个缩略词包含有英文简称,中文全称和意义。这些缩略词来自29个行业。该各行业缩略词信息数据库共有3个表。 In the abbreviations and acronyms database, there are 2,459 records with English abbreviation, Chinese full name and meaning in each. They are from 29 industries. The whole abbreviations and acronyms data set totally...
这是一个蔬菜价格信息数据库,共包含有81,859个蔬菜价格且每个蔬菜价格中有品种,批发市场,发布时间,最低价格,最高价格和平均价格。这些蔬菜主要分为以下9大类和43个二级分类。该蔬菜价格信息数据库共有4个表。 In the vegetables prices database, it has 81,859 records with variety, wholesale markets, release time, lowest price, highest price and average price in each. All these vegetables are categorized into 9 main categories...
这是一个来自全国31个省,1,804个城市的360个汽车售票点信息数据库。每个汽车售票点有电话。该全国汽车售票点信息数据库共有4个表。 This China bus tickets sites database is filled with 360 records with telephone number in each and these sites from 1,804 cities of 31 provinces in China. The whole China bus tickets sites database totally...
这是一个来自全国34个城市的5,777个手表店。每个手表店中包含有经营品牌,地址和电话。该全国手表店信息数据库中共有3个表。 This is a database of wathces stores having 5,777 records from 34 cities in China. Each record is comprised of management brand, address and telephone number. The whole Chinese watches shops database totally...
这是一个各大品牌下的手表信息数据库,共有来自78个品牌下的50,101个手表信息。每个手表信息记录中包含有价格,品牌,系列,机芯类型,机芯型号,表径,表壳材质,欧元价格,美元价格,港币价格等。该品牌手表信息数据库共有3个表。 This watches database is filled with 50,101 records from 78 brands. Each watch consists of price, brand, series, movement type, movement model, watch diameter, watch case material, Euro price, US dollar price, Hong...
这是一个世界名表大全,共包含4,294个名表信息,这些名表被分为以下5大类,分别是顶级世界名表,奢华世界名表,高档世界名表,时尚世界名表和潮牌。每个名表信息中有手表的销量,价格,品牌,系列,推出年份,手表款式,功能,机芯类型,表盘直径,手表厚度,表盘颜色,表带材质,型号,市场价等。该世界名表信息数据库共有4个表。 In the World Famous Watches database, there are 4,294 records with sales, price, brand, series, launch year, watch style, function, movement type, dial diameter, watch thickness, dial color, watchband material, model,...
这是一个单标结构的名表大全,共包含45,200个奢侈手表的价格,品牌,系列,型号,款式,防水,上市时间,机芯类型,机芯型号,动力储备,镂空,表径,材质,表带材质,表盘颜色,厚度,形状等。 This is a single table database of luxurious watches with 45,200 records. Each record is comprised of price, brand, series, model, style, waterproof, time to market, movement type, movement model, power...
这是一个中国市场上的手表信息数据库,共有6,851个手表信息记录,每个记录中包含有价格,原价,销量,人气,保养,品牌,产地,尺寸,大小,款式,机芯,表面,材料,标识,功能,附件,系列,种类,表带等。这些手表被分为10大类别,分别是顶级品牌,奢华品牌,豪华品牌,时尚品牌,陀飞轮手表,亲民品牌,男士手表,女士手表,情侣手表和机械手表。共有4个表。 This is a Chinese market watches database having 6,851 records by 10 categories, such as top brands, extravagant brands, luxury brands, fashion brands, flywheel watches, people-friendly brands, men's watches, women's watches, couple watches...
全国6大分类,46个品牌下的1,944个手表信息数据库。每个手表信息中包含有价格,机芯类型,机芯型号,外壳材质,表盘宽度,表盘厚度,镜面材质,表盘直径,表盘形状,表盘刻度,表盘颜色,表带颜色,功能,适用人群,包装,特殊功能,防水,联保等信息。该手表信息数据库共有5个表。 In the watches database, there are 1,944 watches from 46 brands by 6 categories. Each watch is comprised of price, movement type, movement model, outer case material, dial width, dial thickness, mirror material, dial diameter,...
这个一个单表结构的名表大全,其中包含有29,624个表的信息,每个信息记录中有价格,适用人群,机芯型号,表壳材质,表径,表带材质,表壳厚度,表带颜色,防水深度,主要功能等信息。 This brand watches database is filled with 29,624 records with price, suitable for the crowd, movement model, watch case material, watch diameter, watchband material, watch case thickness, watchband color, waterproof depth,...