在这个建材品牌大全信息库中有80个分类下的7,877个建材品牌,每个建材品牌中包含有标题,公司详情,品牌名称,行业类别,公司名称,电话和品牌官网。该建材品牌信息数据库中共有3个表。 This is a database of building material brands with 7,877 records categorized into 80 types. Each record consists of title, company details, brand name, industry type, company name, telephone number and website. The...
这是一个各个行业培训学校数据库,共有来自40个城市的70,388所学校,每个学校记录中有价格,课程数量,授课老师,学校人气,电话和学校地址。该培训学校数据库中共有3个表。 Database of training schools comes with 70,388 records from 40 cities in China. Each record is comprised of price, course quantity, teacher, popularity, telephone number and address. The whole training schools database totally...
这是一个配饰列表数据库,有来自270个品牌下的10,943个配饰信息,每个配饰记录中有价格,销量,产地,商品材质,边框,功能,适用人群,包装附件,尺寸,类型,规格,上市年份,品牌等信息。这些配饰被分为以下13个类别,它们分别是眼镜,腰带,伞,领带/领结/领带夹,围巾/披肩,丝巾,帽子,手套,其他配饰,钥匙扣,袖扣,丝巾扣和挂饰。除此之外,数据中还包含有42,072张图片。该配饰数据中共有5个表。 From this accessories database, it has 10,943 ornaments records by 13 categories from 270 brands. Each record consists of price, sale volume, place of origin, material, frame, function, suitable for, package accessories, size, type, specification,...
这是一个中国汽车配件公司信息数据库,共包含有510家公司,且每家公司信息中有电话,手机,邮箱,网址,QQ,地址,品牌,部件和城市。该中国汽车配件公司信息数据库中有2个表。 From this China auto parts companies database, there are 510 records. Each company is comprised of telephone number, mobile phone, email, website, QQ, address, brand, parts and city. The whole China...
这是一个汽车档案数据库,共有来自294个品牌下的8,142辆汽车信息。每辆汽车信息数据中包含有车型中文名,车型英文名,年份和原产地。在车型表中共有53,013个记录且每个记录中包含有车型名称,上市时间,功率,停产时间,排量,hp,缸和类型。该汽车档案信息数据库共有6个表。 This cars database is filled with 8,142 records from 294 brands. Each car data is comprised of Chinese name of vehicle type, English name of car type, year and country of origin. There...
这是一个中国市场汽车零配件数据库,共有151,440个配件。每个配件中包含有车型和参考号。这些配件按照产品类型被分为368个类别。除此之外,数据中还提供有788,404个参考号,每个参考号中有厂商,号码1和号码2;12,973个适用发动机和23,409个适用车型,在适用车型表中,每个记录中包含有型号,发动机,排量,公里数,类型,年份等。该汽车配件数据库共有12个表。 From this Chinese market car parts database, there are 151,440 car parts with vehicle type and reference number in each. These car parts are categorized into 368 types. Beside, there are other 3 tables mostly...
这是一个中国市场下的51,714个车型数据库。每个车型包含有中文名,英文名,发动机,功率,排量,缸,类型和年份。这些车型来自294个品牌和6,479个年份。该中国市场车型数据库共有5个表。 This China cars database is filled with 51,714 cars from 294 brands and 6,479 years in Chinese market. Each car is comprised of Chinese name, English name, engine, power, displacement, cylinder, type and year. There...
这是一个中国市场数码产品排名信息数据库,共有37大分类下的1,698个产品的排名和搜索指数。该中国数码产品排名信息数据库共有4个表。 This digital product database has 1,698 rank records with ranking and search index by 37 categories. The whole digital product ranking database totally has 4 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_paiming_top_baidu_com Data 1.23M (+ 0B) Tables 4 (+ 0) Columns...
这是网站排名数据库,共有10个不同主题分类下的46,104个网站,每个网站信息中包含有网址,网站描述,Aleax 排名,百度权重,PR,得分,总排名,网站详细说明,网站类型,所属地区,关键词和国内总榜。该国内网站排名信息数据库共有3个表。 This websites ranking database is filled with 46,104 records with website, website description, Aleax rank, SEO, PR, score, total ranking, detailed description of website, website type, region of origin, key...
该中国产品排行信息数据库,共有12个行业下的941个产品排行信息。每条信息记录中有加盟费,综合指数,人气,趋势,项目介绍,所属行业,公司名称,注册资金和所在地区。数据中还包含有4,893张产品图片。整个中国产品排名信息数据库共有8个表。 This is a database of product rankings with 941 records from 12 industries of China. Each product ranking is comprised of franchise fee, project introduction, composite index, popularity, trend, project introduction, industry, corporate...
这是一个全国959个品牌下的21,762件女装服饰。这些女装被分为以下13个分类,它们分别是女士外套,女士西装,女装定制,女针织衫/毛衣,女士T恤,女士卫衣,女士衬衫,女士裤装,女士裙装,女士睡衣/家居服,女士套装,中式女装和孕妇装。每件女装包含有价格,销量,风格,开和方式,衣长,版型,适用季节,领型,商品材质,产地,上市年份,品牌等。数据中还包含有86,380张女装图片。整个女装信息数据库中共有5个表。 Database of women's apparel contains 21,762 clothings from 959 brands by 13 categories. Each women's wear consists of price, sales, style, opening and closing mode, length, clothing version, suitable for seasons, neckline, material, original place,...
这是一个最新摩托车信息数据库,包含有3,022辆最新摩托车信息,每辆摩托车信息记录中有上市时间,发动机型号,长宽高,排量,最大功率,制动方式,轴距,坐垫高,离地间隙等。这些摩托车被分为以下10大类别,它们分别是弯梁车,踏板车,跨骑车,太子车,越野车,跑车,特种车,三轮车,四轮车和助力车。整个摩托车信息数据库中共有4个表。 This is a list of latest motorcycles data with 3,022 records by 10 types. Each motorcycle is comprised of time to market, engine model, length, width andd height, output volume, maximum power, brake...
这是一个谜语大全,共有162,488个谜语,每个谜语中有标题,类别和谜底。这些谜语被分为174个类别。该谜语数据库中共有3个表。 From this riddles database, it has 162,488 records with title, type and answer to the riddle in each. These riddles are categorized into 174 types. The whole riddles database totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyudaquan_miyu_xpcha_com...
这是一个谜语大全,共包含有172个分类下的11,745个谜语。每个谜语记录中有谜底。整个谜语信息数据库共有3个表。 From this riddles database, there are 11,745 records with answer in each. These riddles are categorized into 172 classifications. The whole riddles data set totally has 3 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_miyu_miyu_911cha_com Data 4.53M (+ 0B) Tables 3 (+...
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有662,617个苗木报价记录,每个记录中有产品名称,价格,高度,米径,冠幅,地径,单位,提供商,电话,联系人,更新时间等。 This nursery stocks quotations database is filled with 662,617 nursery stocks quotations records with name, price, height, one meter to ground diameter, unit, supplier, phone number, contact, update time, and etc....
这是一个单表结构的苗木报价数据库,共有453,794个苗木报价,每个苗木报价记录中有苗木品种,价格,公司,米径,高度,冠幅,地径及更新时间。 This is a database of nursery stocks quoted price with 453,794 records. Each record is comprised of variety, price, company, ground of meter diameter, height, update time, etc. It only has 1 table...