这是一个杂志数据库,共计有12个主分类下的8,221种杂志。每种杂志记录中有简介,销量,定价,出刊类型,杂志社,适合人群,商品详情,全年期数,刊号和配送次数。整个杂志信息数据库共有5个表。 In the magazines database, there are 8,221 records with profile, sales volume, price, type of publication, magazine office, suitable for crowd, details, annual number, official registration number for publications and distribution...
这是全国报纸和杂志信息数据库,共有122个类别的11,139种杂志和报纸。每种杂志和报纸记录中有出刊周期,市场价,订阅量,商品描述,浏览次数,单价,主办单位,编辑出版,主要栏目,国内统一刊号,出刊日期,发行方式,出版地,省份等。数据中还包含有2,719张图片且储存在76.47M文件包中。整个全国报纸和杂志信息数据库共有6个表。 In the newspapers and magazines database, it has 11,139 records with publishing cycle, market price, subscription, commodity description, browsing times, unit price, organizer, editing and publishing, main columns, domestic uniform number,...
这是一个邮票信息数据库,共有14大主分类下的3,660张邮票。每张邮票记录有价格,收购价,销量,商品介绍,点击量和库存量。整个邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 This stamps database has 3,660 records by 14 mian categories. Each stamp is comprised of price, purchasing price, sales, introduction, clicks and inventory. The whole stamps API totally has 5 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_youpiao_e_stamps_cn Data 9.94M (+...
全球邮票信息数据库,共计有来自6大洲,303个国家的10,867张邮票。每张邮票中有编号,国家,发行年份,内容和价格。该全球邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 In the stamps database, it has 10,867 records with code, country, year of issue, content and price in each. All these stamps are from 303 countries of 6 continents in the world. The whole world...
这是来自全国7大地区34个城市的54,655位医生信息数据库。每位医生记录中包含有职称,所在医院,所在科室,擅长领域,主诊说明和职业经历。整个医生数据库共有5个表。 In the China doctors database, there are 54,655 records with title, affiliated hospital, affiliated department, be good at, attending instruction and professional experience in each. These doctors are from 34 cities of 7 regions in...
该医生信息数据库共有来自22个科室的155,114位医生。每位医生记录中有职务,所属单位,擅长疾病,医生介绍,出诊医院地址,出诊电话,邮政编码,传真号码,电子邮箱,乘车路线,所属科室和医生职称。整个医生信息数据库共有6个表。 This is a doctors database having 155,114 records with duty, subordinate units, be good at disease, doctor introduction, address of outpatient hospital, outpatient telephone, postal code, fax number, email, bus routes,...
这是一个医生信息数据库,包含有18个分类下的30,375位医生。每位医生记录中有职称,医生简介,性别,所在医院,所在科室,评分等信息。该医生信息数据库共有4个表。 In the doctors database, it has 30,375 records by 18 categories. Each doctor consists of title, profile, gender, affiliated hospital, administrative or technical offices, score and etc. The whole doctors database has 4 tables in...
这是一个影视作品大全,共包含有26个分类下的28,040个影视作品。每个影视作品记录中有剧情介绍,主演,类型,导演,地区,年份和语言。整个影视作品信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a movies and televisions database having 28,040 records by 26 categories. Each record consists of introduction, main actor, type, director, region, year and language. The whole movies and televisions data set...
这是一个影视信息数据库,共有17个分类下的19,473个电影,电视剧,综艺和动漫等节目。每个影视记录中包含有剧情介绍,主演,类型,导演,地区,年份和语言。该影视信息数据库共有4个表。 This movies and televisions database is filled with 19,473 records by 17 categories. Each record consists of introduction, actor, type, director, region, year and language. The whole movies and televisions data set totally...
该医疗器械信息数据库包含有9,545种产品,每种医疗器械记录中有订货编号和型号。这些医疗器械被分为11个主分类,95个次级分类和734个三级分类。整个医疗器械数据库共有6个表。 This medical equipments database is filled with 9,545 records with ordering information and model in each. These medical equipments are categorized into 11 types and further into 95 secondary categories and 734 three level classifications. The whole...
这是来自全国34个地区的24,996家养老院信息数据库。每家养老院包含有地址,床位数,收费区间,机构介绍,收费标准,服务内容,入住须知,设施,电话,所在地区,机构类型,负责人,成立时间,占地面积等。该养老院数据中还包含有32,600张养老院照片。整个养老院信息数据库中有4个表。 This old people's homes database has 24,996 records from 34 regions in China. Each old people's home is comprised of address, beds, institution profile, charging standard, service content, instructions for admission, facilities, telephone...
这是一个来自全国313个城市的562,442个一手房信息数据库。每个房源信息包含有标题、价格、户型、面积、朝向、楼层、装修、容积率、所在地址等。该新房数据库共有5个表。 In the China new homes database, there are 562,442 records with title, price, house type, area, orientations, floor, decoration, plot ratio, address, etc. in each. All these houses are from 313 cities of...
该玩具信息数据库包含有100,098个玩具的价格和商品评分。这些玩具被分为42个类别。除此之外,数据中还包括有109,414个玩具详情和241,996张玩具图片。整个玩具信息数据库共有7个表。 In the toys database, there are 100,098 records with price and product score in each. These toys are categorized into 42 classifications. Besides, there are 109,414 product introduction records and 241,996 toys images. The whole toys data...
这是一个玩具大全,有26个分类下的139,739个玩具。每个玩具中包含有价格,公司,地址,公司详情,报价,起订量,发货期,供货量,货号,品牌,联系人和电话。除此之外,数据中还包含有409,429张玩具图片。该玩具信息数据库共有5个表。 In the toys database, there are 139,739 records with price, company, address, company details, quotated price, mim order, delivery time, supply, Item number, brand, contact and telephone number in each. These...
该中国二手车出售信息数据库中共计有2,000辆二手车信息,每辆汽车信息记录中包含有价格,新车价格,首付和月供。数据中还包含有652个汽车基本信息,441个汽车发动机参数和716个外观参数。除此之外,数据中还有19,350张汽车图片且存储在2.86G的媒体文件包中。整个二手车信息数据库共有9个表。 This used cars database is filled with 2,000 records with price, new car price, down payment and monthly payment in each. There are 652 basic information records, 441 engine parameter and 716 appearance parameter of these second-hand...
这是一个中国二手车出售信息数据库,共计有2,496辆二手车, 每辆二手车信息中包含有价格,车主自述,名称,新车价格,参考价格,首付,月供,上牌时间,排量,销售城市等。数据中还包含有1,481个参数配置信息,446个汽车基本信息和35,691张二手车图片。该二手车信息数据库中共有7个表。 This second-hand cars database has 2,496 records with price, description by owner, name, new car price, reference price, down payment, monthly payment, card time, displacement, sale city, etc. in each....