该汽车配件信息数据库中有169,251个汽车零部件,每个配件中有配件名称,适用车型,配件序号,配件描述,配件别名,原厂品名,配件类型,生产厂家和商品产地。这些汽车配件适合63,140个车型,每个车型有分类,级别,车体结构,上市时间等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为13个主分类和205个次级分类。整个汽车配件数据库共有6个表。 Database of auto parts and accessories contians 169,251 records by 13 main types and further into 205 secondary categories. Each record is comprised of name, suitable for car type, part number, description, accessory alias, manufacture,...
这个汽车配件大全中有54,295个汽车零部件,每个汽车配件记录包含有标题,价格,销售量,公司,地址,汽车零件名,种类,库存,卖家电话和商品编号。所有这些汽车配件被分为13大主分类和202个次级分类。除此之外,数据中还包含有56,930张配件图片。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有6个表。 In the auto parts database, there are 54,295 auto parts and accessories with title, price, sales volume, company, address, part name, category, stock, seller phone number and commodity number in each....
在这个汽车配件信息数据库中共有4个表。在汽车配件表中包含有29,087个汽车配件记录,每个记录中有产品简介,发布时间,公司,品牌,型号,规格,单价,起订,供货总量,所在地,有效期,浏览次数,联系人和地址。 所有这些汽车配件被分为34个类别。 In the auto parts database, there are 29,087 records by 34 categories. Each auto part is comprised of product profile, release time, company, brand, model, specification, unit price, mini order, total supply...
这是一个包含有全国222个品牌下的763,968个汽车配件信息数据库。每个汽车配件中有标题,配件说明,参考价格,适合品牌和车型,所属分类,配件名称,电话和标签。该汽车配件数据库共有4个表。 This auto parts database has 763,968 records from 222 brands. Each car accessory is comprised of part description, reference price, suitable for brand, classification, part name, suitable for car type, telephone number and...
这是一个配饰列表数据库,有来自270个品牌下的10,943个配饰信息,每个配饰记录中有价格,销量,产地,商品材质,边框,功能,适用人群,包装附件,尺寸,类型,规格,上市年份,品牌等信息。这些配饰被分为以下13个类别,它们分别是眼镜,腰带,伞,领带/领结/领带夹,围巾/披肩,丝巾,帽子,手套,其他配饰,钥匙扣,袖扣,丝巾扣和挂饰。除此之外,数据中还包含有42,072张图片。该配饰数据中共有5个表。 From this accessories database, it has 10,943 ornaments records by 13 categories from 270 brands. Each record consists of price, sale volume, place of origin, material, frame, function, suitable for, package accessories, size, type, specification,...
这是一个中国汽车配件公司信息数据库,共包含有510家公司,且每家公司信息中有电话,手机,邮箱,网址,QQ,地址,品牌,部件和城市。该中国汽车配件公司信息数据库中有2个表。 From this China auto parts companies database, there are 510 records. Each company is comprised of telephone number, mobile phone, email, website, QQ, address, brand, parts and city. The whole China...
这是一个中国市场汽车零配件数据库,共有151,440个配件。每个配件中包含有车型和参考号。这些配件按照产品类型被分为368个类别。除此之外,数据中还提供有788,404个参考号,每个参考号中有厂商,号码1和号码2;12,973个适用发动机和23,409个适用车型,在适用车型表中,每个记录中包含有型号,发动机,排量,公里数,类型,年份等。该汽车配件数据库共有12个表。 From this Chinese market car parts database, there are 151,440 car parts with vehicle type and reference number in each. These car parts are categorized into 368 types. Beside, there are other 3 tables mostly...
该中国产品排行信息数据库,共有12个行业下的941个产品排行信息。每条信息记录中有加盟费,综合指数,人气,趋势,项目介绍,所属行业,公司名称,注册资金和所在地区。数据中还包含有4,893张产品图片。整个中国产品排名信息数据库共有8个表。 This is a database of product rankings with 941 records from 12 industries of China. Each product ranking is comprised of franchise fee, project introduction, composite index, popularity, trend, project introduction, industry, corporate...
这是一个全国959个品牌下的21,762件女装服饰。这些女装被分为以下13个分类,它们分别是女士外套,女士西装,女装定制,女针织衫/毛衣,女士T恤,女士卫衣,女士衬衫,女士裤装,女士裙装,女士睡衣/家居服,女士套装,中式女装和孕妇装。每件女装包含有价格,销量,风格,开和方式,衣长,版型,适用季节,领型,商品材质,产地,上市年份,品牌等。数据中还包含有86,380张女装图片。整个女装信息数据库中共有5个表。 Database of women's apparel contains 21,762 clothings from 959 brands by 13 categories. Each women's wear consists of price, sales, style, opening and closing mode, length, clothing version, suitable for seasons, neckline, material, original place,...
这是一个包含有314个美术馆的信息数据库,每个记录中都有美术馆的城市,面积,画展,人气,运营,展览次数,详细地址,联系方式和展馆简介。除此之外,数据库中还有1个即将开始的画展;665个已经结束的画展记录;11 正在进行的画展的信息记录和667个最新画展信息。所有这些画展的记录中都包含有画展简介,画展时间,点击数量,美术馆,展品数量和主办单位。整个美术馆信息数据库共有10个表。 From this art galleries database, it has 314 records with city, acreage, popularity, operate, exhibitions times, detailed address, contact and profile of exhibition hall in each. Besides, it has 1 art exhibitions records...
全国律师信息数据库包含有5,083位律师的基本信息,它们分别是地址,执业证,律师所,专业方向,律师案例,心意数,忠实粉丝,五星好评,个人介绍等信息。在收到心意表中有8,235个信息记录,每个记录包含有内容和时间。该律师数据库共有4个表。 From this China lawyers database, it has 5,083 lawyers with address, practising certification, lawyer office, professional direction, cases, number of kind feelings, loyal fans, five stars comment, profile, etc. in each....
全国31个省会城市的1,683个律师信息数据库。每个律师记录中有总积分,专长领域,地区,律师简介,电话,邮件,执业机构,执业证号,地址,积分,奖章和点击量。该全国律师数据库共有4个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 1,683 records from 31 cities in China. Each lawyer is comprised of total score, speciality field, region, lawyer profile, telephone number, email, practicing institution, license number,...
在这个全国律师信息数据库中,共有2,030个律师信息,这些律师来自全国34个省份的469个城市。每个律师信息记录中有电话,在线帮助人数,案型积分,好评数,联系地址,律师简介,从业年限,手机,邮箱等。共有5个表。 This China lawyers database is filled with 2,030 lawyers from 469 cities of 34 provinces in China. Each lawyer consists of telephone, numbers of online assistence, cases integral, favorable comments, address, lawyer profile, entire period...
该礼品数据库中共有5,290个礼品记录和8,868张礼品图片,每个礼品记录中有关注度,市场价,公司名称,联系人,电话和地址。这个礼品及图片数据库共有2个表。 This gifts database has 5,290 records and 8,868 gift images. Each gift has attention rate, market price, company name, contact, telephone and address. The whole gifts data set has 2 tables in total. Name n3_chennan_CS_lipin_cnlipin_cn...
这是一个包含有1,377个酒产品信息列表,其中每个酒产品信息中有价格,评价,关注度,品牌,商品标号,净含量,度数,手提袋,规格等,所有这些产品被分为以下6大类:白酒,葡萄酒,洋酒,黄酒,清酒和啤酒。该酒产品信息数据库中共有4个表。 This alcoholic beverages products database has 1,377 records by 6 categories (liquor and spirits, wine, imported wine, yellow Wine, clear wine and beer). Each liquor product is comprised of price, comment, attention rate,...
全国367个城市的329,923个酒店信息数据库。每个酒店信息中有评分,等级,价格,用户推荐,酒店简介,地址,服务评分,卫生评分等。除此之外,酒店信息中还有261个酒店设施信息, 11,024个酒店政策记录,49,268个周边设施信息和2,677,038张酒店图片。该酒店信息数据库中共有12个表。 From this China hotels database, it contains 329,923 hotels from 367 cities in China. Each hotel is comprised of score, grade, price, customer recommend, hotel profile, address, service rating, health rating, etc. Beside,...