This is an abbreviations database of 44,055 records by 22 different specialized categories. In this abbreviations database, there are the meaning, initial and category in each abbreviation. The whole abbreviations database consists of 3 tables.
Categories: Astronomy acronyms, atmospheric research center acronyms, business & finance, chatting acronyms, chemistry acronyms, computer acronyms (common), computer & internet acronyms, human genome acronyms, medical acronyms, medical acronyms (slang), NASA acronyms, organizations acronyms, satellite meterology acronyms, SCUBA diving acronyms, SMS chat & text acronyms, SMS text smileys & emoticons, text language acronyms & abbreviations, uncategorized acronyms, US army acronyms (official), US army acronyms (slang), US Govt. acronyms and US military acronyms.
Name | n3zm_acronymslist_com |
Data | 18.70M (+ 0B) |
Tables | 3 (+ 0) |
Columns | 15 (+ 0) |
Table Rows | 88,923 (+ 0) |
Media | 0B (+ 0B) |
Files | 0 (+ 0) |
Data Samples
Database APIs
Tables & Columns
Tables | Rows | Columns | Non-empty |
abbreviations | 44,055 | initial |
meaning |
category_1_id |
category_1 | 22 | title |
category_1_x_abbreviations | 44,846 | category_1_id |
abbreviations_id |
- Meta columns id and ts are not shown here, but included in columns total.
- Some statistical or memo columns are not shown here, but included in columns total.
- Non-empty percentage indicates the percent of values that are non-empty for that particular column.
Media Sets
No media sets.