全球经济信息数据库中共有575条信息数据。所有的经济信息来自美国、欧元区、中国、日本、印度、巴西、新加坡、德国、加拿大、法国、南非、俄罗斯、意大利、韩国、澳大利亚、中国香港、中国台湾、西班牙、希腊和英国共20个地区。每条数据信息中包含有标题、价值和数据类型。该全球经济信息数据库中还包含有487条数据类型和561个数据的slug。 This is a global economic database with 575 records from 20 regions. Each data record is comprised of title, value and data type id. These 20 regions are the United State, Eurozone, China, Japan, India,...
这是一个中国知名作家信息数据库,共包含有1,820位作家的简介,代表作品,主要成就,照片,中文名,外文名,别名,国籍,名族,出生地,毕业院校,逝世日期和职业。共有4个表。 In the famous writers database, there are 1,820 records with profile, representative works, main achievements, photo, Chinese name, foreign name, alias, nationality, nation, place of birth, graduate institutions, date of death...
这是一个诗人信息数据库,其中包含有来自中国12个朝代的3,078位诗人。每位诗人包含有简介和作品数量。该中国诗人信息数据库共有5个表。 This is a Chinese poets database with 3,078 records from 12 dynasties. Each record is comprised of profile and quantity of works. The whole Chinese poets database has 5 tables in total. Name n3zm_ZuoZhe_shiren_so_gushiwen_org Data...
这是一个邮编数据库,共包含有来自全国31个省,327个市的55,429个邮编。每个邮编记录中包含有地址信息。在市表中包含有区号。共有4个表。 This zip codes database is filled with 55,429 records with address in each. All these zip codes are from 327 cities of 31 provinces in China. It has area code in each city record. There...
这是一个周公解梦大全,共有9个分类下的1,486个周公解梦记录,每条记录中有标题和内容。这些分类分别是动物篇,活动篇,建筑篇,神鬼篇,生活篇,物品篇,植物篇,自然篇和其它篇。该解梦数据库共有3个表。 This is a oneiromancy database having 1,486 interpretation of dreams records. Each record is comprised of title and content. All these interpretation of dreams are categorized into 9 types, they are animal, activity,...
这是一个英语单词大全,共计有16,063个单词记录,每个单词中有英英释义,例句,词典解释,双语例句,网络解释,相关例句,基本解释,英式音标,美式音标,第三人称单数,第三人称复数,现在分词,过去分词和过去式。这些单词被逐次分为6个主分类,69个次级分类和509个三级分类。该英语单词数据库中共有5个表。 This is a English words database with 16,063 records. Each record is comprised of English to English interpretation, example sentence, dictionary interpretation, bilingual examples, internet interpretation, related example, basic interpretation, British...
这是一个英文名大全,共有120个英文名字且每个名字中有名字寓意,印象,含义,相似英文名,音标,中文音译,名字性别等。所有这些名字被分为3大类,分别是男孩英文名,女孩英文名和中性英文名。该英文名字数据库共有3个表。 This is a English names database having 120 records. Each record consists of implication, impression, meaning, similar English names, phonetic symbol, Chinese transliteration, name gender, etc. All these names are categorized...
这是一个乐器信息数据库,共包含有1,400个乐器。这些乐器共有5大主分类,即键盘乐器,拨弦乐器,弓弦乐器,打击乐器和吹奏乐器。在次级分类和三级分类中,这些乐器分别被细分为240个和593个类别。该乐器信息数据库共有6个表。 This musical instruments database is filled with 1,400 records by 5 main categories, they are keyboard instrument, plucked string instrument, Bowed string instrument, percussion instruments and wind instruments. It has further into 240 secondary categories...
这是一个相机信息数据库,包含有39大品牌下的1,319部相机。每个相机信息记录中有价格,评分和评论人数。该相机信息数据库共有3个表。 In the cameras database, there are 1,319 records from 39 brands. Each camera is comprised of price, score and number of commentaries. The whole cameras database totally has 3 tables. Name n3zm_XiangJi_detail_zol_com_cn Data 848K (+ 0B)...
这是一个文章信息数据库,共有1,200篇文章,每篇文章中包含有文章类型,作者,内容和时间。在该数据库中,这些文章共被分为以下6大类别,分别是散文,诗歌,杂文,随笔,日记和小小说。该文章信息数据库共有3个表。 In the articles database, there are 1,200 records. Each article is comprised of type, author, content and time. All these articles are categorized into 6 types, they are prose, poetry, essay, informal essay,...
这是一个原创文章信息数据库,在13大分类下包含有151篇文章且在该数据库的25个分类中包含有736篇文章,数据库中共计有887篇文章。每篇文章中有标题,内容,发布时间,来源,作者和阅读量。该原创文章数据库共有6个表。 This original articles database is filled with 151 records by 13 categories and 736 original articles by 25 classifications. Each article is comprised of title, content, release time, source, author and reading times. The whole original articles...
该文章数据库中包含有11个分类下的5,992篇文章。每篇文章中有标题,日期,点击,评论,内容,作者,来源和时间文章。整个文章数据库中共有3个表。 This articles database is filled with 5,992 records with title, date, click, comment, content, author, source and time in each. These articles are classified by 11 categories. The whole articles database totally has 3 tables....
这是一个在售手表信息数据库,共有217个手表及63张手表图片。每个手表包含有手表描述,参考,手表直径等信息。这些手表被细分为12大分类,分别是礼品,男士腕表,女士腕表,超薄腕表,复杂功能腕表,镂空机芯腕表,非凡珍品系列,金链腕表,陀飞轮腕表,计时腕表,精钢腕表及中国特别版腕表。该手表信息数据库共有4个表。 This is a watches database having 217 records by 12 categories. These categories are gifts, men's wristwatch, women's wristwatch, ultra-thin wristwatch, complex function wristwatch, hollow machine core wristwatch, extraordinary treasure series, gold chain...
这是一个来自品牌手表信息数据库,共有来自205个品牌,1,835个系列下的5,309个手表。每个手表记录中包含有价钱,系列,编号,机芯类型,机芯型号,外壳材质,表盘厚度,表盘宽度,表盘直径等。除此之外,数据中还包含有575张手表图片且存储在46.59M的文件包中。整个手表数据库共有6个表。 This watches database is filled with 5,309 records in 1,835 series of 205 brands. Each watch is comprised of title, brand, price, series, number, movement type, movement model, shell material, dial plate thickness, dial plate...
这是一个中国电网招标公告信息数据库。该招标信息数据库共有4个表和44,163个招标公告记录。每个招标公告包含有招标日期,企业,文件标题,内容等重要信息。 This is a tender notices of China State Grid data with 44,163 records. Each bidding announcement is comprised of date, company, file title & file content. The whole China State Grid...
这是一个菜谱大全,共有180个分类下的24,919个食谱记录。每个食谱中包含有简介,图片,主料,辅料和操作步骤。除此之外,数据中还包含有8,887张食谱图片且储存在83.51M的文件包中。该食谱数据库共有5个表。 This recipes database contains 24,919 records by 180 categories. Each recipe is comprised of brief introduction, image, main ingredients, supplemental material and steps. It also comes with 8,887 images of these recipes in the 83.51M...