这是一个中国食谱大全,共有11个主分类下的19,553个食谱记录。这些主分类分别是特色菜谱,植物菜单,动物菜单,营养食疗,中华菜谱,外国菜谱,功能调理,人群膳食,脏腑调理,疾病调理和特色小吃。每个食谱中包含有描述,做法,网站,时间,来源,工艺,人数,口味,准备时间,所需食材等。该中国食谱数据库共有4个表。 This is a Chinese recipes database having 19,553 records by 11 categories. These categories are special recipes, plant menu, animal menu, nutritional diet, Chinese recipes, foreign recipes, functional conditioning, crowd diet, viscera conditioning,...
该中国十二生肖详情数据库共有2个表。12生肖分别是子鼠,丑牛,寅虎,卯兔,辰龙,巳蛇,午马,未羊,申猴,酉鸡,戌狗,亥猪。在十二生肖详情表中共包含有运势,五行,流年运势,最配属相,财运,健康,性格,吉祥颜色,忌讳颜色,幸运数字,幸运花,本命佛,桃花方位等。 In the animals of the Chinese zodiac database, there are 12 records, they are rat, ox, tiger, hare, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, cock, dog and boar. In table of the...
这是一个包含有103个主管单位下的1,350个组织的信息数据库。每个组织包含有组织类型,登记证号,业务主管单位,网址和联系电话。该全国组织信息数据库共有3个表。 In the organizations database, there are 1,350 records by 103 competent organizations in China. Each organization is comprised of type, registered number, business competent organization, website and contact. The whole China organizations information...
这是一个全国公交信息数据库,其中包含有28个省份的15,558个公交。每个公交记录中有站点名称。在公交详情表中,共有12,017个详情记录且每个公交详情记录中有方向,起止,路线,首末车时间和公里站数。共有8个表。 In the buses database, there are 15,558 records with station name in each. All these buses are from 28 provinces in China. In the table buses details, there are 12,017 buses details with orientation, start-stop,...
这是一个来自全国34个省,494个市的27,543个医疗机构信息数据库。每个医疗机构包含有医院地址,邮编,联系电话,医院名称,等级,类型,病床数,门诊量,地址等。该全国医疗机构信息数据库共有4个表。 In the medical institutions database, there are 27,543 records from 494 cities of 34 provinces in China. Each medical institution is comprised of hospital address, zip codes, contact telephone, name, level, type, number of beds,...
这是一个2,410个中国高校数据库,这些高校被分为18个类型。每条信息包括高校名称,院校特色,通讯地址,学校网址,电子邮件,高校隶属,联系电话,院士,博士点,硕士点等字段。该数据库共有4个表。 This is a universities database of 2,410 records categorized into 18 types in China. There are name, characteristics, history, address, website, E-mail address, affiliation, contact, phone number, academician, doctoral program, master program and...
这是一个包含40个行业的62,736家中国企业名录数据库。每条信息包括主营行业,认证信息,公司介绍,成立时间,公司规模,联系人,传真等字段。该企业数据库共由3个表组成。 This China enterprises directory database contains 62,736 records by 40 industries. Each record contains main industry, certification information, company profile, founded, business scale, contact person, fax number, address, etc. The whole China enterprises...
这是一个车辆信息数据库,共有176个品牌下的959辆汽车,每辆汽车记录中包含有汽车参数。在车型表中,共有12,653个记录且每个记录中包含有汽车驱动,车挡,汽车离合,经销商报价等。该车辆信息数据库共有7个表。 In the cars database, there are 959 records with parameter in each. These cars are from 176 brands. In table car type, it has 12,653 car types with automobile drive, gear, automobile clutch, dealer quotation...
中国私募基金管理人数据库中共有22,162个私募基金管理人的记录,每个记录中大致包含有标题,基金管理人中文名,登记编号,组织机构代码,登记时间,成立时间,注册地址,办公地址,注册资本,企业性质,机构类型等信息。该数据库中共有7个表。 In the China private equity managers data set, there are 22,162 private equity managers with title, Institutional integrity information, Fund manager in Chinese, fund manager in English, registration number, Institution code,...
这是一个包含有583条来自中国售电公司的动态信息数据库且共有4个表。每条信息包含有文件名称,发布日期,作者,网址,关键词和文件内容。在该数据库9.46M文件图片库中还包含有136张售电公司信息图片。 This is a news database from sales of electricity company in China. It has a total 583 news records with file title, publish date, writer, website, key words and file content...
这是一个现代短篇散文数据库。该数据库共有3,428篇短篇散文,包含经典爱情散文,伤感散文,爱情散文,优美散文,抒情散文,写景散文等读者文摘。字段包括文章名称,文章内容。该数据库共有3个表。 This is a modern short essays database with 3,428 records with title, content, author, source, publish date, reading times and link in each. All these prose are classified into 22 categories, such as...
这是一个由读者投稿,编辑精心挑选的原创美文数据库。该数据库共有589篇原创美文,文章类型分为原创美文,经典文章,情感美文,伤感文章,美文随笔,感人文章,人生哲理,励志美文,学生美文,长篇故事,话题社。字段包括时间,来源,作者,点击次数,以及文章内容。 This original prose database contains 589 articles with title, content, date, source, author and reading times in each. All these orginal articles are classified into 11 categories. There are 4 tables totally in this original...
这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国34个省份的917家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有服务范围,联系电话,联系地址,律所简介,电话,QQ和邮箱。整个中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 917 records from 34 provinces in China. Each record consists of scope of service, contact telephone number, address, profile, telephone, QQ and email address. There are 3 tables...
这是一个中国律师事务所大全,共有全国30个省份的15,764家律师事务所。每家事务所记录中有地址,律所简介,标签,律师事务所名称,执业许可证号,电话,传真,网站,负责人,组织形式,主管机关,批准日期,职业状态,合伙人,邮编等。该中国律师事务所信息数据库共有3个表。 This is a lawyers' offices database with 15,764 records from 30 provinces in China. Each record consists of address, law firm profile, tag, name, license No., telephone number, fax number, website, personnel in...
中国7大地区的164,669家律师事务所。每家事务所包含有律所介绍和特别声明。该律师事务所共有5个表。 In the lawyers' offices database, there are 164,669 records with introduction, special notice in each. These law firms are from 7 regions in China. The whole China lawyers' office database totally has 5 tables. Name...
这是一个酒水信息大全,共包含有6大类的2,107种酒,每种酒中有价格,评分,商品名称,条形码,品牌,描述,发货速度,服务态度等。这6大类分别是白酒,葡萄酒,洋酒,黄酒,礼盒专区和婚庆专区。该酒水信息数据库中共有6个表。 In the wines database, there are 2,107 records by 6 categories, such as liquor and spirits, grape wine, imported wine, yellow wine, gift box region and wedding region. Each record consists of price,...