This is an animal removal services database having 12,851 records from the America. Each animal removal service record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address,...
In the anesthesiology database, there are 37,880 records from the America. Each anesthesiology record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...
It has 40,879 doctors for allergy & immunology of the United States in this allergy & immunology doctors data set. Each doctor record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city,...
This is a list of 2,169,422 books of new, used, rare and out of print by 28 categories, such as Biography, Childrens, Home and Garden, Textbooks, Religion, etc. Each book is comprised of title,...
This is a collection of professional-quality photo books for creative expressions of all kinds. The photo books data contains 312,512 unique photo books by 35 categories, such as Home & Garden, Fine Art, Business,...
这是一个中国招聘岗位和企业信息的集合,该集合包含有3,495,381个就业岗位信息和249,066家企业信息。在岗位招聘表中包含有名称,企业id,工作地点,工资,发布日期等信息。在公司记录表中包含有名称,公司性质,公司地点,所属行业,职位数等重要的企业信息。除此之外,该中国岗位招聘和企业数据库的企业图片媒体文件夹中还包含有144,183张企业图片。整个数据库共有7个表。 This is a jobs and companies database with 3,495,381 and 249,066 records in each from China. In table job, there are title, company id, gong zuo di dian, gong zi, fa bu ri...
这是中国34个地区的1,331家公司的旅游产品数据库,共计20,489条记录,每条旅游产品记录中有评论,描述,总分数,月销售额,价格和持续期间。该全国旅游产品数据库中还包含有1,007个目的地,3,496个旅游特色,46,130个旅游路线, 3,687个旅游路线价格和65,844个旅游总结。除此之外,旅游产品数据库中还有54,669张旅游图片。整个全国旅游产品数据库共有24个表。 In the tourism product database, there are 20,489 travel records with description, comment account, score overall, month sale, price from and duration in each. All these tourism product are from 1,331 companies of 34 regions...
This database has 769 accessories and parts records by 20 categories for 598 Subaru cars. Each record consists of part number, price, sale price, category, mark, other name, description, replaces, position and note. In table car,...
This China CIA documents database has 71 topics records by 9 categories (Current/Central Intelligence Bulletin Collection, Aquiline, The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe: A 30-Year Legacy, Lunik on Loan: A Space Age Spy...
This is a Merriam-Webster dictionary of thesauruses database having 21,244 records with sense, synonyms, words related, near antonyms and antonyms in each. The whole thesauruses of Merriam-Webster dictionary data set totally has 3 tables....
This rashes skin diseases database is filled with 59 records with title and alt in each. There are a total of 167 summaries with value in each. The rashes skin diseases data also contains...
In this skin disease data, there are 228 records by 4 categories (baby skin problems, beauty skin problems, medical skin problems and treating skin problems). There are skin disease images in the 3.47M media...
In the products database, there are 184,524 records with price, mini order, model number and supply ability in each. These products are mainly categorized into 6 types and further into 20 categories. These types are home...
This poems database is the one with thousands of poems organized by theme for you to reading, sharing and connecting with poetry. In table poem, there are 2,941 records with title, rating,...
Categorized into 64 classifications, this used car dealers database contains 762 records and offers 762 services. These used cars are from brands below: Audi, BMW, Citroen, Fiat, Ford, Honda, Hyundai, Jaguar, Kia, Land Rover, MINI, Mazda,...
This is an accounting firms database with 24 affiliated company records. It has 27 categories, such as benefits, business outlook, culture, hours, hiring process, tax accounting, etc. There are 266 certified public accountants with title, score,...