This is an abbreviations database of 44,055 records by 22 different specialized categories. In this abbreviations database, there are the meaning, initial and category in each abbreviation. The whole abbreviations database consists of 3 tables. Categories: Astronomy...
这是一个相机信息数据库,包含有39大品牌下的1,319部相机。每个相机信息记录中有价格,评分和评论人数。该相机信息数据库共有3个表。 In the cameras database, there are 1,319 records from 39 brands. Each camera is comprised of price, score and number of commentaries. The whole cameras database totally has 3 tables. Name n3zm_XiangJi_detail_zol_com_cn Data 848K (+ 0B)...
这是一个来自品牌手表信息数据库,共有来自205个品牌,1,835个系列下的5,309个手表。每个手表记录中包含有价钱,系列,编号,机芯类型,机芯型号,外壳材质,表盘厚度,表盘宽度,表盘直径等。除此之外,数据中还包含有575张手表图片且存储在46.59M的文件包中。整个手表数据库共有6个表。 This watches database is filled with 5,309 records in 1,835 series of 205 brands. Each watch is comprised of title, brand, price, series, number, movement type, movement model, shell material, dial plate thickness, dial plate...
This is a motorcycle part database having 389,803 parts records with part number, pric and replace part number in each of European market. From the motor parts database, there are 14 brands; 4,728 model records with brand...
This skin disease database contains 21,829 images records of 626 skin disorders. These skin diseases are accessory nipple, acid burn, acne excoriated, bechet, birt hogg dube, blue nevus ota, etc. Each record is comprised...
This skin disease database is filled with 4,555 image records from 114 skin diseases, such as Acne affecting the back, Actinic keratoses affecting the face, Facial acne, Ecthyma, Measles, etc. The whole skin disease...
This is an airsoft guns and tactical gears database with 2,804 records by 85 brands. Each record consists of title, price, description, specification and feature. There are 13,953 gun images in the 90.39M and 591.46M media...
In the businesses database, there are 4,386 records from 8 popular markets. Each business record is comprised of title, employees, region, asking price, cash flow, gross revenue, ebitda, ff and e, established, business description...
This is a automobiles and motorcycles parts database with 34,249 records by 13 categories, such as motorcycle fairings, motorcycle brakes, motorcycle wheels & tires, motorcycle lighting, theft protection, etc. Each record is comprised of...
This is an American life league acronyms database. Each acronym is comprised of initial and meaning. The whole American life league acronyms data consists of 1 table. Name n3zm_Acronym_ewtn_com Data...
This is an insurances database for workers compensation & disability, there are 17,530 records from the America. Each worker compensation & disability insurance record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street,...
In the windows-repair database, there are 27,801 records from the America. Each window-repair record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB...
This is a wheels alignment-frame & axle servicing-automotive database having 41,182 records from the America. Each record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating,...
This is a wedding reception locations & services database having 3,286 records from the America. Each wedding reception location & service record is comprised of business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state,...
In the water pressure cleaning database, there are 1,545 records from the America. Each water pressure cleaning record has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall...
In the tutoring schools database, there are 1,485 records from the America. It has business name, home page URL, email address, phone numbers, street, city, state, zip code, full address, category, overall rating, BBB rating or license, latitude, longitude,...