This is a fields-rich accommodations database of 20,309 records in South Africa. This accommodation database is the most useful one for tired travellers to find their hotel or house to take a...
这是一个包含有18,910种中药材的信息数据库。每种中药材记录中有原形态,生境分布,性味,归经,功能主治,用法用量,摘录等。整个中药材信息数据库共有3个表。 This Chinese traditional medicinal crops database has 18,910 records with original form, habitat distribution, sexual flavour, meridian tropism, functional indications, usage and dosage, excerpt and etc. in each. The whole Chinese...
这是一个邮票信息数据库,共有14大主分类下的3,660张邮票。每张邮票记录有价格,收购价,销量,商品介绍,点击量和库存量。整个邮票信息数据库共有5个表。 This stamps database has 3,660 records by 14 mian categories. Each stamp is comprised of price, purchasing price, sales, introduction, clicks and inventory. The whole stamps API totally has 5 tables. Name n3_chennan_CS_youpiao_e_stamps_cn Data 9.94M (+...
这是一个影视信息数据库,共有17个分类下的19,473个电影,电视剧,综艺和动漫等节目。每个影视记录中包含有剧情介绍,主演,类型,导演,地区,年份和语言。该影视信息数据库共有4个表。 This movies and televisions database is filled with 19,473 records by 17 categories. Each record consists of introduction, actor, type, director, region, year and language. The whole movies and televisions data set totally...
这是一个中标药品信息数据库,共包含有463,226个中标药品,每个中标药品记录中有中标价格,发布日期,省,规格,包装,投标企业和信息标题。该中标药品信息数据库共有1个表。 This win the bidding medicines database contains 463,226 records with win the bidding price, publish date, province, specification, package, bidding enterprise and information title in each. It has only 1 table in the...
该数据库收录了来自14个朝代的97,662首古代和近现代诗词。每首诗词包含有选自,鉴赏,诗词内容和拼音。整个古代和近现代诗词数据库中共有3个表。 This database is a list of poetry with 97,662 poems from 14 dynasties. Each poem is comprised of selected from, appreciate, content and spell. The whole ancient and modern times poetry data set...
这是一个包含有14,966个汽车零配件的信息数据库,每个配件中有编码,适用车型,单位,简介,适用车系,规格,企业类型,联系电话,联系人,联系地址等信息。所有这些汽车配件被分为以下20大主分类和221个次级分类。该汽车配件信息数据库中共有5个表。 This auto parts and accessories database contains 14,966 records by 20 main categoreis and further into 221 secondary classifications. Each car part has number, suitable for car type, unit, profile, suitable for car series, specification,...
这个单表结构的品牌名表机芯数据库中共有1,069个机芯记录,每个机芯中有机芯类型,直径,出产厂商,厚度,功能,摆轮,振频,游丝,避震,宝石数,零件数,动力储备和电池说明。 From this movements of brand watches database, there are 1,069 records with type, diameter, manufacture, thickness, function, balance wheel, vibration frequency, gossamer, shockproof, gemstone number, parts number, power reserve and battery...
在这个酒店用品大全中有26,331个产品信息,所有这些产品按照用途被分为18个主分类和190个次级分类。每个酒店用品信息中包含有价格,公司,地址,产品说明,单价,有效期,更新时间等记录。该酒店用品信息数据库中共有4个表。 From this hotel supplies products, it has 26,331 records with price, company, address, product explanation, unit price, expiry date, update time, etc. in each. All these hotels supplies are classified into 18 categories...
这是一个单表结构的苗木企业信息数据库,共有54,353家苗木公司,每个公司信息中包含有主营,企业简介,公司地址,电话,网址,邮件,联系人,手机,公司类型,所在地,注册资本等。 The nursery stock companies database has 54,353 records with main business, profile, address, telephone, website, mail, contact, mobile phone, type, location, registered capital, etc. in each. The whole nursery stock companies...
这是一个药品企业信息数据库,其中包含有154,799个药品企业。每个药品公司信息中包含有标题,经营范围,证号,企业名称,注册地址,法定代表人,企业负责人,质量负责人,仓库地址,经营方式,发证部门,发证日期及有效期。该药品企业信息数据库只有1个表。 This is a medical enterprises database with 154,799 records. Each record is comprised of title, business scope, certificate number, company name, registered address, legal representative, person in charge of enterprise, quality...
这是一个全国各大行业2,750家公司信息数据库,每个公司信息中有主营产品,主营品牌,公司地址,联系人,公司简介,电话,手机和邮箱。所有这些企业信息来自以下25个行业,如:包装,纸业,印刷,化工,能源等。除此之外,还有12,062张企业图片。整个各类企业信息数据库共有4个表。 There are 2,750 companies with main product, major brand, address, contact, profile, telephone, mobile phone and mail in each. All these companies are from 25 industries, such as packing, paper, printing, chemical industry,...
该法律文章数据库是一个单表结构,包含有15,630篇文章且每篇文章涉及标题、导语、内容、时间、注释等相关信息。 The legal papers database contains 15,630 records with title, introduction, content, time, etc. in each. It only has one table in the whole legal theses database. Name n3_chennan_CS_falvwenzhang_civillaw_com_cn_sp Data 31.84M (+ 0B)...
20个分类下的37,385部电影集合。每部电影包含评分,简介,主演,导演,地区和上映时间。这20个分类分别是喜剧,爱情,动作,恐怖,科幻,灾难,剧情,犯罪等。这个电影数据库总共有3个表。 From this movies database, there are 37,385 movies of 20 categories, such as comedy, love, action, terror, science fiction, plot, disaster, crime and etc. Each movie consists of score, brief introduction, main actor,...
这是一个包含有3,785个成语的词典数据大全,这些成语出自各个朝代,名著,人物,十二生肖,描写人物,动物,数字,景色,心情和事物。每个成语记录中包含有读音,出处,事宜,近义词和反义词。除此之外,成语数据库中包含有3,396个成语接龙和1,234个相关成语。该成语归类大全数据中共有8个表。 This dictionary database is filled with 3,785 phrases with pronunciation, source, matters concerned, synonym and antonym in each. All these phrases are related with various dynasties, masterpiece, character, The Chinese Zodiac,...
这是一个包含有描绘数字,气候,动物,十二生肖,植物,四季等的3,827个成语词典数据库。每个成语中有造句,拼音,近义词,反义词,成语意思,出处和成语接龙。所有这些成语被分为58个类别。整个成语词典数据库共有3个表。 This dictionary database contains 3,827 phrases with sentence making, Pinyin, synonym, antonym, meaning, source and idiom solitaire in each. All these phrases have depict number, climate, The Chinese Zodiac, animal, seasons,...